as you conservative who did vote to trump.
means you will also not fool by trump.
that is why you voted to trump.
because you are smart. and also not fool by trump too.
but you will make trump do right thing.
i want to believe right wing side people like that way.
and honest friendship in between right wing side people unlikely with leftist.
that will protect your wealth and money. with each others.
you didn't fooled by vaccine and joe biden and ugly democrats and LGBTQ+ trend and political correctness and #stand with ukraine.
that already prove your smartness.
how you can fool by trump??
you will not.
you are already surpassed all that satanist trial ugly decieve lying and fraud.
so i believe. right wing side will not also fool by even if it is trump.
satanist did all effort and serious mind control and lying.
but wow. conservative didn't fooled.
about you know.
do you even know? how satanist spend their money for this??
that you can't even imagine.
all over trillion dollars and fascinating scientist studying and research and CIA mk ultra and centuries of effort.
what you did was, those level of massive satanist operation.
didn't works on you.
that is actually very fascinating. about conservative people.
but you didn't fooled.
how fucking amazing about yourself.
so don't need to feel pressure about trump.
you know.
also leftist was felt that uncomfortable feelings.
about their "stance".
so it is not means you should hate trump.
let's make trump do his job he should have to do correctly.
so it's okay.
trump said. he will fight against to deepstate. that is why you voted to trump.
but trump is doing deepstate buisness.
bill gates patent 060606 is there. and trump do bit coin.??
when people already vaccinated?
maybe we should check about this?
just naturally.
any relation? between neural link tech, and apply it on exploit human brain into crypto mining purpose??? maybe???
so maybe 5G tower is there?? or smart city is there??
maybe it all relate??
so that is why trump trying to do bit coin???? maybe??? i don't know??
but check about.
just check about our leader. trump. because trump is president.
our leader. that we should care. he doing it well?
he doing it well?? we did voted. we have rights to check about this.
because you did fucking used your vote rights for this.
then you not check about it going well or not??
so you buy some new car and stuck in garage and never see them again???
should check about it going well or not? didn't frauded by something??
why they said this car can speed well but not going well!!! omg im fooled!!
so just your rights. very naturally.
how just ignore this. you did vote to trump.
but not check about trump doing well or not?
there was big win. it was so nice. fantasitc beautiful moment.
when trump won.
should fucking check about.
so this is focus.
he said. that is what he said.
"he will fight against deepstate".
and we must make trump do it.
so think about.
bill gates money.
fauci money.
biden family money.
zelensky money
japanese money
jewish money
big pharma money
illuminati money.
do you fear about direct conflict with them?
right? that is exact issue we should talk about loudly.
people feel tricky about what?
exactly. you fear about conflict with big pharma? or jewish people? or japanese people?
or bill gates?? is them makes you feel tricky ???
they are criminals. it is official. anyone can freely say it.
about situation. but what makes people stopping to speak truth?
the conflict. with those of illuminati.
that fear is problem.
but how many people damaged? you are not alone.
many of your friend or co-workers many people damaged by same crime.
should speak up truth with all together.
that is crime profit. that should actually belong to victims.
so if you victims. who leftist and many others.
if you giving up your life and not accuse it and die.
then they can keep that money.
and that is purpose.
you not even talk. not even attack japanese. not even speak any single word of truth about your profit.
and just they want you to die in silent.
with out any accuse law suit about your money.
that actually should belong to you.
but of coursely they don't want it.
what they want?
just you considering move on to canada and die with medical association suicide servieces.
or just die with sudden death. and giving up fight.
and not talk about it.
about your money.
yours money.
and japanese keep rape children while you die and feel like you get sick or stroke or heart attack or blood clot immune collapse.
feel like is that your own bad luck?
when japanese rape children and having some fun?
and you just depressing and think about considering end your life?
when there is all your money that those fuckers keep it with "crime profit".
"crime profit" the word you should correctly say. speak out.
because that "crime profit" where they did get earned that?
from who?
from you people. you vaccinated.
that money came from your death.
that those ugly bill gates illuminati jewish japanese have it.
and they rape children with that money of came from your death.
and they just wanting you to not speak not talk anything about this.
speak this.
"crime profit" that actually should belong to victims.
zelensky #stand with money laundry crime.
world war 3 plan.
japanese psy op. mind control.
let's make it happen. psy op. that can be charged by official trial.
murder rape sexual exploit and intimidate and life threatning.
illegal medical experimental.
we all know this.
what is politics?
what we should care about?
so in nowadays. this is the issue.
it is most trendy hot issue about this world.
speak out.
people think they are unhappy because of they don't have money.
#stand with ukraine support all that fucking money.
and big pharma expreimental and japanese let's make it happen.
and israel 3rd temple divine so much precious war was there.
but you trying to wondering about why you don't have money???
and your life is tough and hard ???
it is not your fault. your life is unhappy and something not going well.
but that is not becuase you didn't get the chance.
no otani wins or shogun dominate is problem.
that is not a reason.
should attack them. not a obey to them. then your life more will suffer and lacking.
because money flow into crime profit instead of you.
so do not agree or obey to criminals satanist.
they only care about their own profit.
they never give you profit.
no. they always think about disposal you or can exploit you.
should attack them. can makes thing fix correctly.
so how it is just absurd.
people did #stand with ukraine!! send all money into zelensky !! joe biden treason ~~~
and omg.. why my life is so sad. and i don't have money.. i need money... i must counting on crime... even if knowing that is murder rape and kill children and baby... but i don't have any option. my life is tough.... ueeeeee. i need money... i want to be happy....!!!
and they do crime.
that bad cycle of crime.
leftist is trapped in that satanist trap.
get off from there.
#stand with ukraine!! let's losing our money!!
omg... i don't have money.. why my life is sad???...
they doing this over again.
just get off.
get off from that satanist mind control.