situation briefing about world war 3.
world war 3 lead by
japan = may north korea hit US, south korea martial law and impeachment.
israel = mid east war
ukraine. = drag european and US into war with #stand with ukraine.
can see that situation?
and basically.
every nation leaders take life threatning or same pedophiles of globalist who work for israel or japanese obeying.
they can't hiding that their obey. they follow 3rd temple or samurai shogun.
it is obvious and politicians can't faking it. and they do secret tasks according to japanese instructions.
and also point.
why netanyahu house been attacked? by who? and for what?
why israel war is official. but japanese was nobel peace prize and so much want to hiding this?
so in their structure. we can find their priority and rank about illuminati structure.
and it is basis on "children rape". is first priority.
so we can see japan want using disposal israel.
trying to tail cut off israel. just right there. can see that.
even criminals secerts obviously right there.
but not that problem. not our concern.
that is criminals their own rank and priority problem we can see.
somehow. that truth also revealing right there.
we not just can see the truth of situation.
but even can find criminals secrets too.
war is exist for distraction for fake and cover up,
= vaccine damage, global children sex trafficking buisness.
and why many companies and CEO or main stream media news.
all of them lying? and just thoughlessly obey to japan?
all that instruction japanese give them to incentive or intimidate.
just like insurance company CEO get shoted.
then NVIDIA CEO doing celebration about japanese game anniversary.
just like that.
intimidate and assassination by japan.
and every nation leaders and politicians or companies.
they obey to japan.
we can see that situation.
and even common people also know could die by japanese stabbing or missing kidnapping and sabotage attack death.
this is situation.
so there is nothing.
should speak up with your own self.
not anyone else.
every people must speak up
vaccine bio weapons damage.
global events of attack like pandemic
it was corona virus was artificial it is now official. you can say this.
and vaccine was scam for product to sell and kill people.
and japanese let's make it happen crime and sabotage attack and intimidate and distraction psy op attack.
it is official.
"crime against to humanity".
speak this with people together.
regardless who you are.
you could be one of employees of some companies.
or maybe scumbags journalist who encourage let's make it happen.
or maybe you could be officials.
or CDC FDA or white house.
or you could be politicians.
you could be anyone.
including every one.
speak truth.