i don't talk with them. nothing to talk.
what "shit" we should talk about then?
brazilian femboy?? boy is arrested? and boy make ties???
those kind of thing??
that is why i don't talk with them.
those fucking disgusting people
those people who talk about [boy stabbing + wild hot sex party] put it together in same sentence when they talking.
otani fans. disgusting people. that don't want talk with them.
and people says they don't know truth?
just what you heared? from them?
how they talk?
[boy stabbing + labeling + targetting + let's make it happen].
in their sentence and context.
let's check about context.
"boy is arrested". anyone can say that. why not?
but normally people say like this,
[boy is arrested] + therefore? + that is sad that is tragedy.
that is context of common sense.
but what is otani fans context? how they talk?
[boy stabbing + labeling + targetting + let's make it happen].
and people say they don't know truth.
when they listening that shit.
feel like pretending don't know what you heared about just right there.
think about.
boy stabbing happened.
so otani fans.
what is that person?
scumbags. psychopath. satanist. garbage.
if say like this. then we can understand what is intention and purpose and context.
but let's check about otani fans how they talking.
there is everything you need to know. in their sentence how they talking.
every information you need to know. is right there.
and people pretending. they "don't know" truth.
not a fear about psychopath serial killer tessa violet and japanese foreign enemy attacks.
accuse them.
with which allegation?
allegation of assassnation attempt on president of united state of america,
and killing of US soldier with through using "bio weapons" that weapons purpose of kill soldiers. means war activities.
and that bio weapons used on civlian and children too.
and also psy op propaganda "let's make it happen" weaponized TREND. means "enemy war propaganda" for distracting and intimidate people.
and targetting people and children and soldiers, with through using "accident". that killing people. means "sabotage attack."
there is no reason to not military take action about this. also goverment and congress. and everyone.
that is allegation what i accuse about.
and everyone should accuse about.
speak up and kill tessa violet "psychopath serial killer". and kill every japanese "enemy".
speak up.
every main stream media news must talk about that crime "let's make it happen"
and their method. and "instructions" that obviously exist even in media news.
about how using "specific word" for purpose of labeling and intimidate and tragetting victims and "make it happen" through sabotage attack.
media news know this very well. becaue they doing it with themselves.
talk about every crime method and crime "instructions".
weaponized trend.
should officially investigate suspect tessa violet psychopath serial killer and should revealing their crime method and instructions and abusing and mocking victims and intimidate.
should revealing that officially through arrest and trial.
every media news must talk about those crime.
and need official goverment and military should take action to arrest suspect. not a support and cover up and involve to their let's make it happen for intended plane crash.
intended accident that according to instructions and support and involve to killing people and rape children.
should accuse it.
and arrest suspect and revealing every their crime method and word joke labeling trend. they used. with attack purpose.
they used that trend. "let's make it happen" labeling and tragetting and occuring accident.
crime. organized hired employees make trend.
and intimidate people. and make it happen.
soldier was killed by this. and also many civlian and children sacrificed by that crime.
should officially talk about this with through official goverment and court.
through trial and arrest tessa violet psychopath serial killer. and should declare a state of war attack by japan has been existed.
that including many casualties and damage.
including soldier was killed and civlian and children get killed.
should speak this officially through media news and trial and court and goverment and military together.
don't get mind control.
that fucking something serious shit.
people don't think lightly about those danger of mind control.
vaccine bio weapon used on you.
and after that?
abusing and torture.
constantly something creepy disgusting crime happen.
boy is stabbed and people get shoted and something happens.
that constantly abusing your mind.
and that mislead you into wrong way of satanism.
porn snuff violence worshipping psychopath mind.
that wild hot sex they talk about is weird fucking creepy sick satanism.
that kill people and sacrfice children with blood death.
don't get fooled by those mind control.
we know their method. we know what they doing and how they doing.
then we can protect ourselves.
speak this and inform people and warn them.
make them "disagree" with those enemy propaganda.
can understand?
how it works?
#stand with ukraine.
it always require your agree first.
let's make it happen.
when you agree with it. even if pretending.
you get mind control when while even you can't notice it.
once you agree. then you trapped in that "stance" right?
can see that?
when people decide their "stance" once. then can't get off from it easily.
right? that naturally happen to anyone.
omg~! im testosterone~~! im manly~~
then feel like you must keep that "stance" until you die.
and many people die for this.
can understand?
but should make "free yourself from this".
do not make "stance" that is trap.
political stance? or whatever it is.
hey im leftist!!!~
once you said it. feel like you must keep that stance.
but actually it's okay.
there is guy who want to being cool.
i was said. hey. um.. i can't eat well about spicy food.
then testosterone guy says.
what?? you afraid spicy food? you pussy? hahaha~~!! i eat spicy food with out fear!!! oh~~ yeaah.
then. in reality. actually "too much spicy" that insanly spicy.
then it's okay to stop to do that shit.
but that guy. crying and shed tear when girls looking it. and trying to keep eat that dangerous food.
omg.. what you doing??.. it's okay. you don't need to prove your manlyness like that.!! it's okay!!
but after all he hospotialized after that.
don't need to do that shit.
don't need to. if don't need to.
just. acting normal and sane. nobody gives a shit to you.
so that "stance" problem quite occuring in normally in daily life.
and that is what people trapped in.
and what japanese tessa violet using that as trap and weapons.
when people decide that "stance" once. then not trying to get off from it easily.
and they just get vaccinate themselves and kill people around them and hurting others and rape children.
and never trying to get off from it.
what is "stance"??
not important. okay.
and people should say that to others.
hey. um.. it's okay to you don't need to keep that stance.
just say it.
allow that people each others.
but what was problem?
why people can't get off from those "stance"
because you guys "intimidate" each others through labelng.
that is your own trap you trapped in.
so first of all. leftist have that trait. that programmed behave by satanism.
should solve that first.
do not intimidate each others with "stance".
but should allow free about stance with each others.
should make that vibe as trend in between leftist.
not labeling each others and intimidate each others.
that is why people can't easily get off from "stance" shit.
hey. i accept you with out "stance". i will not labeling to you with stance.
should allow that each others.
not labeling and attacking each others.
omg?! what? now you not support joe biden and LGBTQ+ anymore???
how could???. you are enemy!!
that is why you guys vaccinated and can't get off from it. because fear.
but what is fear? actually?
"another leftist labeling you and kill you".
that is fact.
should solve that issue first.
"stance problem".
should allow that.
to each others.
hey you don't need to get vaccinated. but you will my friend and it's okay to don't get vaccinated or support joe biden treason anymore.
after all trump also compromised and that is problem we can blame together.
how could trump not arrest joe biden treason and zelensky and japanese and israel??? isn't it?
after all. trump said he fight against deepstate. but GAZA take over. and zelensky welcomes trump suggestion about fraud scam. and nothing solved.
then. as person who support trump i think that is problem. that you are leftist? wow that is nice. then we can blame this issue with together.
then. really have no politics and no argue and no issue.
there is no blame eachothers. but blame must should belong to crime.
blame issue.
why blame should belong to someone.
so people trying to looking for blame each others.
that is wrong.
blame must belong to criminals. and wrong.
but not a each others.
let's blame criminals. otani fans tessa violet psychopath serial killer.
and should allow that.
hey. it's okay to not get vaccinated. and it's okay to not keep that "stance" anymore. but aware situation and danger. and let's blame it.
but shouldn't do that. weird "keep stance" struggle.
just naturally.
omg it was wrong. it was danger.
naturally admit situation. and talk naturally.
hey. it's okay to not get vaccinated anymore. i will not get vaccinated too. so you also it's okay to not get vaccinated anymore.
but there was "stance".
how could you not get vaccinated?when i get vaccinated?
if i die. then you must die too!!!
that ugly mind.
that is problem.
how could you not agree with japanese children rape crime? when i did agree to that?
if i be criminals. then you must be criminals too!!!!
that mind set. what leftist have they make their own trap that they can't get off.
that is your hell.
that you trapped in.
get off from that hellish mind. that is hell.
get off from that. save yourself.
how could you not get raped ? when i get raped?
why you not doing dog cop when i miserabely doing dog cop!?!!!!
you must be dog cop too!!!!
that is what leftist talk about.
exactly. "that" mind set.
if i vaccinated. omg? is it only me? who dying by this?
why you didn't get vaccinated? you must get vaccinated just like me.
you must die. when i dying miserably. for not feel loniness when i dying. you must die too!!
you must get vaccinated!!! for your health condition!!!
i recommend this vaccine bio weapon that i injected. to you!!!
then that make feel much less miserable about me!!!!
when i dying by this like fucking idiot because can't reject this with fear and cowardness!!!! and filthy expectation about money!!
why you didn't vaccinated?????!!!! how could you not get vaccinated?!!
when i get vaccinated!!!!!!!!! you must get vaccinated!! i recommend this vaccine to you~~!!!!!
that is what #stand with. meaning.
hate. jealousy. ugly twisted mind. ugly flithy mind that you hiding and faking it.
but you can't.
that is what im talking about.
not a talk about, "when i die you must die too."
but why not say like this.??
"when i survive. you must survive too just like me!!"
don't get vaccinated. when i didn't.
that is correct common sense.
am i wrong?
what is emphaty? then?
when i get vaccinated. when i miserable.
drag others into same shit ?
it's opposite.?
in logic.
why should i vaccinate? or why should i agree with your crime?
not "me" drag into your shit,
but "you" get off from there. okay?
that is common sense. **^~LOGICALLY.~^**
it is situation like.
there is trap.
there is porn. and snuff. and violence. looks like sweet and nice. money and profit is there.
but there is bio weapon vaccine and children rape obviously there.
hmm.. i don't go there.
but some fucking otani fans. fooled by that trap.
and yelling at to me.
hey~~ come here~~ here is nice porn and sex wild hot ~ and also vaccine and children rape~~~ come here~~!!
over here~~!!
so. when i watching this shit? how i think?
oh.. um.. well... i don't go there. you keep in there. how nice?
i don't go there that obvious suspious trap.
then those otani fans? they keep trying to drag others into their hell.
and what i talk about is.
hey guys~~ get off from there~~~ come here~~!! over here!! where the place no murder rape and no wild hot sex porn snuff boy stabbing.
you get off from there and come here to place that where to no vaccine, no let's make it happen, no wild hot sex trap, no boy rape, no boy stabbing, no joe biden treason or no trump compromise.
where the place is call "common sense".
not me going to your hell trap.
you get off from your hell trap. fuckers?
im watching you guys die by it.
why i go there?
no reason to.
no. nope. i don't.
~~ i won't~~~~~!!
i will not~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!
why should i?????
it is trap you trapped in.
and when im not.
why should i ? go there?
you get off from there~~~~
you fucking vaccinated and fucked up like shit miserable.
when i didn't!!!
why should i?
i don't agree with you!!!!
i don't #stand with you~~~ at all~~~ i won't.!!!!
i gladly won't~~~~~!!! so much happy!!!!!!
logically think.
and "let's make it not happen" that people should talk about.
it is simple.
don't get vaccinated. what is means?
don't accept oppression like idiot.
when there is injustice and wrong.
speak out.
not pretending and agree with and #stand with.
just speak out rightfully. with pride and courage.
why just accept that oppression and abusing gladly ???
where is testosterone guys?
speak out just naturally.
don't get vaccinated.
don't agree with let's make it happen.
don't support psychopath serial killer crime.
and blame it.
fucking idiots. morons.
but want cover up your uglyness with cool hot wild sex???
then feel like you are the winner and belong to some illuminati fascinating crimianls?
that makes you powerful?
that makes you vaccinated.
can understand?
you vaccinated.
at that point. you are can't be "side" of them.
you are not a side. if you vaccinated.
that is animal stock. vaccination is means obey and surrender.
that makes you just animal stock and slavery and idiot.
also that goes to brain chip implant.
completley giving up yourself and losing everything.
when you allow even your brain to them.
pretending is pretending. but should keep what profit and advantage.
but that not means only about money.
basic human rights, free will, your brain. your choice.
they give you money. why? because they get earn your brain control.
then your money is theirs.
can understand?
they give you money. and they get your brain to control.
you are possession of theirs. your money is theirs.
do not fool by this fraud trick.
you have money. illluminati gives you money.
you save it to secret place.
and you give them to key to access to that secret place.
what the fuck is meaning then?
you didn't get earned. you robbed.
can understand?
you get earn nothing. but they take everything from you.
you take money from them. and you give to them to your brain.
nothing. your money is theirs. you are nothing.
but garbage. just slave. and animal stock. and medical experimental rat.
and minion. and disposal subject.
that is what vaccinated otani fans. who should living in smart city prison with 5g tower wifi range with brain chip impalnt and annuel vaccination.
with pretending.
woaah~ i agree with this politics~~~~!! yeaaaah!!
whatever vaccine~~ whatever smart city~~ whatever 5g tower~~
but never fucking resist against to it~~~ because want boy rape~~~!!
that is what those otani fans people are.
slavery and miserable puppet nothing empty people who brainwashed and also will be chip implanted control puppet.
if there is brain chip implant forced and mandated?
who will get that chip implant in their fucking brain with out resist?
otani fans~~~!!
they will. they pretending whatever shit even if it is bio weapons or boy rape.
isn't it?
they never talk back. never resist. never opposite againt.
don't even trying to attempt resist.
what a fucking disgusting people.
and they are testosterone. when they killing victims innocent people with make it happen. when they stabbing boy.
then that is why they win!!!
wow!! that is really your win!!!! how nice?
because you win. because you killed children. and rape children.
then that is your win you talk about. and that makes you powerful as testoterone.
let's speak "this" exactly.