so it is only matter of criminals rank issue in between them.
that is correct.
so we can see, zelensky is kind of blame. trump blame it.
but who trump can't blame in between them.
that reveals, just only matter of crime rank in between them.
that is all.
so if there is biden, obama, clinton.
then who is more power and who is less power?
people talk about that. but that not means someone is innocent.
same team. but in between them. priority is exist.
but that is not anyone's concern.
we talk about "global crime" that known as illuminati.
not we trying to talk about details about in between criminals who is disposal and who is keeping.
but quite we can know easily. JAPAN did that LEAD every LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN = BOY ARREST BOY RAPE. so every criminals desperate about want to keep that.
so if criminals decide their priority.
who is first. what is keep. but who is disposal.
that not means make JAPAN innocent.
so people know like ISRAEL -> JAPAN -> UKRAINE.
but actually JAPAN (boy rape) -> ISRAEL(war) -> UKRAINE.(money laundry)
if just want to talk about what is priority in between them.
argue about this is not that meaning.
omg israel is first. omg japan is first.
we talk about "crime". and criminals circumstance is not anyone's concern.
that just for criminals priority for themselves.
so as in bewteen criminals rank is exist.
also people courage level responde about this.
so you can blame epstein when it is officially dead. but you didn't blame epstein before when it alive.
and even after epstein died officially,
but you not blame joe biden who in charge.
so also now you can blame joe biden.
so after joe biden losing the election and nothing garbage.
then after that, you blame joe biden.
you not trying to blame trump when he not trying to arrest joe biden.
so just like that.
so those "global crime" is get caught. and people noticed about that existence.
vaccine was bio weapons. world was lying faking. war propaganda.
so now japan and israel and zelensky suspect remained.
so criminals kind of worry about their prirority in between them.
but. that is just their concern.
should think with perspective of "not-criminals" standing position.
do not think and feel with criminals perspective.
concern about your own self first.
not obey to them.
then can see the truth.
so we don't need to argue with that.
why we care about criminal circumstances?
but what about us?
what about those crime and casualties and damage.
that is focus. that is perspective.
but people trying to obey to criminals. because there is money and profit and fame and rape.
so they think and feel with criminal perspective.
but focus should basis on victims and ourselves rights.
of coursely. naturally.
not a obey.
what about vaccine damage? crime damage? we have.
who care about people?
death toll rise up. encourage it. people keep die.
no one speak for us.
there is no point.
it is self-destructive mind control.
who agree with vaccine is who vaccine damaged victims. at same time.
shouldn't fool by this method.
let's make it happen. and you mocking people death and you #stand with ukraine and support it money laundry.
need to aware that JAPANESE self-destructive mind control war psy op.
in context of war activities, they doing that attack.
that is happening in nowadays. and we can see that from main stream media news front page every single day.
and as officially, people did encourage that sabotage attack with as TREND.
it is not something can faking it and hiding cover up this.
it was official war crime. and wasn't secret. it was TREND.
let's make it happen. death toll rise up. otani wins.
everything is clear. and obvious. and proved. and sure.
and when people cover up japanese. why you did that?
you know truth. that is why you obey to japanese.
shouldn't pretending and trying to faking this.
do not ignore this.
that makes everyone danger. and already too many casualties and damage was there.
should need to speak up. for our own rights.
that no one speak for us. no one speak for you.
if you not speak this.