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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

end of human rights.

south korea elected in chief of UN human rights council.

Saudi Arabia loses bid to join UN Human Rights Council

japan make this situation for slandering and labeling purpose.

trying to fool saudi arabia.

feel like south korea is bad so feel like should pick a side to japanese.

but when actually japanese doing this all from behind.

so what is means

south korea elected in UN human rights council.

it is means japan doing that chief of UN human rights council from behind through using south korea.


they want kill every humanity.

japan will kill every humanity.

they attacking basic human rights.

it is not a south korea. south korea is puppet goverment and nothing.

not exist. japan control it from behind.


and japan did elected in UN human rights council and will do eliminate every human rights.

through south korea.

should murder japanese.

they kill every humanity.

japan is elected in chief of UN human rights council.

everything will decide by "japan".

just like US military kill americans.

even more worse.

nation like south korea? have no goverment already.

it is just another japanese colony.

and they make stand it in chief of retarded UN human rights council and kill every humanity through using south korea.

it is japan is elected in chief of UN human rights council.

means fucked up seriously.

they will legally kill humanity.

becaues genedic modified vaccinated people not apply human rights.

they planning this.

through those "international human rights council" what they want to do?

is not about protecting human rights.

just like "world health organization" they not care about heatlh.

they doing bio weapons.

and that UN human rigths council is about to get rid of human rights from vaccinated people.

that according to gene edit.

genetically not a human being, probably not related unlikely and they get earn rights to patent on their "product" and kill people.

world health organization = vaccine bio weapons

world food programme = intended food shortage and food control, insect protein mandate.

UN human rights council = for built law about get rid of human rights from vaccinated people. gene eidtted people are not apply human rights. then they kill people for fun.

this "earth" itself is all insane satanist control.

there is no such a thing.

world health organization like.

do not fool.

it is not your side.

it is not your side.

demons is not your side.

speak truth.

situation. = humanity is going die and end.

that is situation.

not just only about politics? or US election? democrats and republicans?

it much more bigger and massive.

it is about humanity.

everyone must speak truth.

see this world with different perspective much more far.

do not trapped in trend or japanese joke bullshit.

see the reality.

see the world.

this world is collapse down desperately now.

should speak up.

there is no joke and trend and politics anymore.

there is nothing.

speak truth.

so means japan actually elected in human rights council and situation is bad.

so what demons expecting is.

if they put south korea in that place of chief of UN human rights council?

then they expecting me is shut the fuck up and not talk about their plan.

that is what their expectation was.

and i didn't.

i said,

what exactly UN human rights council trying to do is, 

about get rid of humanrighs from gene editted vaccinated people with legally.

that is what they trying to do.

and because of south korea is in place of head chief of this.

i don't shut the fuck up.

i speak truth.

so if there is profit. then feel like should i passing this slightly ??? with silence?

no i don't.

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