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everyone know what is japanese global children sex trafficking and war vaccine attack "buisness." do you know some buisness?

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

everyone know that "buisness" and "attack" came from japnese.

especially in video game industry that is very commonly happen.

because japanese have that pride about video game super mario or nintendo that 90s just nostagia past glory that feel like world war2 they never trying to forgot about.

same like.

so that is why video game company is massively attack by japan.

some leaking devolope contents happens. or company damage. and trouble happens.

they targetting mostly video game company because that japanese pride.

it is japan doing every vaccine and pandemic and children sex trafficking.

everyone know this "buisness" if you not obey to japan.

then problem and trouble happens.

and if you obey to japan. make contents about prove your obey to children rape.

then game of the year~~~


everyone know this "buisness"

that global children sex trafficking buisness.

do not even attempt fucking pretending you fucking shitty pedophiels.

do not denying this.

people are dying in real time and children get rape.

do not fucking.

trying to denying it.

admit this fact and accuse japan officially.

and ask to every company and famous and people to reject those japanese psy op.

and ban out japanese from everything.

speak this. as movement. for protect our selves and protect children from global rape children sex trafficking japanese buisness.

speak this loudly.!!!!

and ubisoft did leaking actual democrats crime plan.

so they also been attacked.

but they doing obey desperately for not trying to die.

ubi soft did saved the world. actually.

but they fucking acting like they are sinners. because japanese intimidate them.

should correct this.

that is everyone is same.

feel like because japanese intimidate your property and attacking economically and threatning CEO get shoted stabbed.

so that is why all company just should obey to japan.

and should speak this and ban out japanese intimidate.

loudly speak it.

everyone know reason.

why ubi soft fucking apologize to japanese to a fucking global children sex trafficking criminals?


because they intimidate you?

is that reason? then it is your fault? and you are the who blame. and you are the who sinner.

and feel like japanese is so much powerful and rightful?

fucking kill japanese.

attack japan and ban out japan officially.

do fight. not a obey.

that every company and every famous and every people and every nation goverment is same.

they doing obey and surrendering because fear.



you think why?

we just saw how people get shoted and stabbed and assassinated.


that is clear reason that everyone know.

kill japanese as self-defence in war situation attack by japan.

is legal.

discussion this problem officially with people each others.

about japanese threat. against to company and CEO and people and children. and nation.

speak this "a state of war" has been existed.

many people pledge to demons japan worship for rape children. in nowadays.

that is why CEO die and wild fire burn and children missing.

just righ there.

all that your support encourage. it works.

and that consequences appear with UFO mysterious drone.

and zlenesky atom bomb and north korea nuclear.

and vaccine and more pandemic and quarantine camp.

according to your obey serve japanese pledge to satanism.

many company CEO they want rape children and want obey to japan and get earn profit.

that is why they compromise.

we can see that clearly. and should loudly speak about this.

what they exactly doing.

for prevent our own death.

all that turn into war budget and genocide budget and children rape budget to kill you.

that is how vaccine massive fraud scam disinformation possible.

how organized and tryannt controled media news

and famous celebrities lying commericial.

many mind control contents on video game or music or movie.

how that is possible?

according to your "let's make it happen" japanese otani fan supports.

it works.

that is vaccine blood clot of yours.

that is your children missing kidnapping.

that is your nation debt.

that is your nation war attack.

that is your own sabotage explosion chemical leaking.

that is your death.

how it works.

according to your agree.

#stand with.

but now should speaking up.

accuse japan officially.

and ask and demend to our society

to a people. to a company. to a nation goverment and military.

to a famous and celebrities.

i ask you to stop your support about killing people and children.

rightfully i claim this to you.

i know what you doing.

and that disgust me.

i tell this to you.

i ask you stopping your japanese obeying children rape buisness.

immedietly stop your children rape expectation right now.

i say this. i tell this.

to "you"

it is "you" who trying to expecting rape children.

i say this to you.

you are the fucking scumbags who trying to get that chance.

should appealing this very hardly.

"i know"

i know.

start your sentence with "i know"

i know what you trying to doing.

i know what you doing.

i know you expecting.

fucking scumbags.

i know. motherfucker i know what you trying to do.

you can't faking it.

i know your expectation.

japanese is psychopath.

and their abusing method is always same.

they makes you doing something about hurting yourself.


naked in front of people.

swapping your wife.

doing funny santa clown.

dog cop.

it always same.

that abusing toward into victims. actually.

becuase they . becuase japan they hate people for themselves.

nothing is me.

me is accuse japanese and

people? what is your kindness?

omg you shouldn't body shame!! they can naked in front of people it is nice thing. it is hot wild!!

fucking si pal they abused by japanese for mocking purpose.

admit that fact and accuse japan.

not make victims more miserable like idiot.

with your false pretending fucking ugly kindness bullshit.

actually care about victims and suggest actual solution to them.

can understand?

protect each others from those japanese threat.!!!

preventing it. make them people can't do that ugly instruction that actually targetting themselves for self-destructive.

share information and aware their japanese method.

and reject it and discussion it with people each others.!!

so make people naked in front of people and laugh and mocking it from behind.

and fuckers comfort it.

omg... your body is beautiful!! you must have confidence!! omg you are hot wild!! i RT your tweet!! i agree with you!!

just stopping japanese instruction itself.

not a fucking trying to comfort miserable victims as pretty dog cop.

make them stop doing that byung sin dog cop they should have to do for not trying to die by piece by pieces.

suggest actual solution to them. with logic and common sense.

not a with pretending faking bullshit coward kindness.

not a trying to make dog cop as pretty thing.

stop that dog cop they should have to do for not trying to die.

can understand?

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