people get off from japnese military psy op war attack.
that is satanism. not a trend.
let's mak it happen = war psy op
otani fans = treason against to nation.
speak this truth and discussion and declare this officially.
talk with people and attack japanese and traitor of nation.
people who those surrendered and pedophiles japanese worshipping psychopath leftist tessa violet and guantanamo prisoners of celebrities.
they are same side. illuminati.
children rapist and children sex trafficking buisness.
and war psy op.
speak and discussion and warn and aware all the people.
officially discussion and ask investigation and arrest of those treason.
and kill every japanese.
war happened. pandemic was intended plan demic. corona virus was artificial. and vaccine was purpose. and bio weapons. japan did occupied goverment and militray and congress.
they did aid zelensky for money laundry purposely.
for stealing american tax into foreign money laundry. and that money also goes to use for joe biden fraud election and let's make it happen and #stand with ukraine fraud scam budget.
and sabotage attack, chemical leak, hurricane, wild fire, missing kidnapping children.
those money use for those buisness.
and we can see thoes consequence of crime everyday in main stream media news front page.
nothing is secret and unofficial. it was officially happened just right there.
speak truth and attack japan.