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global emergency attack by japan. genocide happened. speak all truth and resist.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

so situation is.

there was pandemic. right?

that was fraud scam. intended artificial pandemic.

for selling vaccine bio weapons.

so actually not corona virus kill people.

vaccine was bio weapon for illegal medical experimental.

so it is context of medical associate suicide through vaccine bio weapons.

for kill people but with using vaccine. not firearm weapons.

but with faking lying decieve.

and japanese distracting and porn snuff clown show all just they made up.

for kill people. and rape women and children as much they can before killing it.

can understand?

they doing genocide and before they kill you. they rape women and children before killing it.

for their profit.

that is what "let's make it happen" crime.

before they kill you.

they doing having some fun.

so that is war crime they doing.

and people die with vaccination blood clots and storkes and heartattack and immunity collapse .


it was genocide. to a over 70~80% of "humanity".

and they trying to kill 95% of humanity.

it is reall massive attack is happened.

global emergency.

attack by japan.

it is insane psychopath.


so situation is clear?

can get it??

have no confusing. right?

so let's speak truth.

and discussion.

so how can "survive" from those global events of attack.??

information is important. first of all.

there is distraction operation from japan.

every instruction come down from japanese.

notice this situation that every attack and lying and distraction operation come down from japan.

inform this and aware it. make warn and inform every others.

japanese doing killing sluaghtering people.

how to survive??

cut off every "world" stuff.

trend. politics.

for example.

goverment trying to do something AGENDA.

omg ~ vaccine~~~ #stand with ukraine~~

climate change~~~~

north korea may can hit US~~~~

zelensky atomb bomb~~~

bit coin~~~ bit coin is rise up~ big buisness~~ counting on this~~

smart city~~ smart city~~ 5G~~~~

all of that fucking "AGENDA"

not a politics.



fucking reducing population. and just mocking peopel gay faggot retarded confusing about it's own gender.

that is why you confusing about everything.

psy op. mind control.

let's make it happen.

celebrities living sacrfice blood death ritual for intimidate people.

omg celebrities died. famous people murdered!! fear!!


so everyone shut their mouth. right?

and every sabotage attack explosion chemical leak.

every company compromised.

trump take life threatning assassination attempt.

every politicians leaders or military is same.

they just rape children or just surrendered and pointless.

and also many people just fear and panic and otani wins and doing otani fans.

despeately. for not trying to die.

but this is already genocide.

pretending not works.

that is not a solution.

speak all truth. and arm yourself.

if necessary then use weapons and kill japanese.

and reject every secret tasks or instructions.

feel like weird murder rape~ hot wild sex~

cut off every those instructions and buisness.

never naively think about it is about money.


no job. no fame. no hot wild sex trendy bullshit.

people genocided. fucking dying now.

children raped.

people stabbed and get shoted and cooked.

women and children raped and human trafficking auction by japan.

japanese sell people like sex slaves.

and organ harvesting.

and blood sacrifice ritual.

kill japanese with using weapons.

kill japanese with using weapons.

not you go into retarded.

make them pull off into smartness.


not you be the one of bunch of retarded and die with them.

save those retarded from their own stupidity.

that is correct.

not you going down into lower level of retarded self-suicidal insanity.

save those retarded who dying with stupidity into smartness for surviving.

of coursely.

who stand in wrong side is them.

then not you go there and kill every others.

fucking should make them save their own life.

that is correct.

where you stand is wrong place!! come here!! not there!!!

come over here!!

you die!! if you in there!!!

get off from those danger~~~!!!

not die like that ~~!!

move into safe place~~!!!

not me go there~~~!!

you come here!!!


so think about.

there is ground of vacccination.

and there is ground of not get vaccination.

so who should move into where??

me go to vaccination ?? and die??

or i make you come here "not get vaccinated" safe place??

is correct??


so speak truth and inform all others.

save people.

they dying now. because don't have information and ugly pretending.

facing conflict and convience them and inform them.

and get those fucking retarded save themselves.

speak all truth!!!

so think about. japanese give incentive to person from behind.

but not one perseon. at same time. all at once.

to a expert.

to a media news.

to a journalist.

to a famous.

to a officials,

to a whatever employees.

to a vide game companies.

to a whatever companies.

to a goverment

to a politicians.

to a consprioucy theorist.

to a whatever.

all at once. at same time. from behind.

and all of them. according to their incentive and job and money and murder and rape.

they speak same lying together.

and they faking together each others.

and think that is reality.

so everytime something happen.

but perfectly defending japanese opinions.



because they get incentive from japan for that lying fucking bullshit.

for japanes profit.

omg people speak truth.

then something happend ? about.

about? what? about japanese lying defending incident happens!!!

who did that~~

japan did that.

what you think about? what else. except japanese manipulation for japanese themselves.

what can expecting then?

omg!! suddenly something happend!!! and it perfectly defending japanese opinions!!!

of coursely~~~

of coursely.

because japan did that.

for themselves.

attack japan!!!!


최근 게시물

전체 보기

"context" that how they talk about?

i don't talk with them. nothing to talk. what "shit" we should talk about then? brazilian femboy?? boy is arrested? and boy make ties???...


situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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