omg? really? JAPAN didn't sabotage attack ?? let's make it happen? crime?
oh~~ i agree with you~~ #stand with you~~ woaaah~~~ yeaaah~
so that is what retarded doing thing.
and not me.
i don't.
do that to retarded.
come on vaccine~~ i got nothing~~~
vaccinated!! vaccinated!! make appointment~~~
pretending retardeds. they agree with it and play along with it.
but i don't.
and people.
you must offended.
when your best friend they talk like this.
what is mean?
they don't treat you and respeect you.
can understand?
they don't tell truth to you. they consider you as pointless garbage.
then they say like that.
omg~ japan didn't that crime~~~
that really offensive.
and arrogant.
and they not treat you as person.
they treat you like garbage retarded pretenders.
then they do that "commercial" to you.
can understand?
japan did that crime.
that is fact.
but if someone not telling you to this.
that means that person consider you as retarded.
then they talk like that.
when japan did that crime and everyone actually know this.
but when opponent never respect you and insulting you and have murder intention.
then they talk like that.
they recommend vaccine to you.
and they talk like japan didn't that crime.
trying to do commercial activities to you.
then you must offended about that behave.
how rude and disrespect is that?
japan did crime. but feel like they treat you like you never know actual situation how it going on.??
there is bit coin. but opponent not telling about "RESET".
how that is disrepsectful? isn't it?
trying to fraud scam to you.
they talk about bit coin. but not talk about NASA plan about RESET about it.
that is really offensive.
right there.
how it is offensive. about when people doing "commericial activities to you".
really disgusting.
feel like me is moron and douchebags who get vaccinated and #stand with ukraine and agree with whatever bullshit??
rude. disrespectful. un trustable.
you think am i moron?
hey~~ you must vaccinated~~~
but that is bio weapons that you should commercial for your money!! and trying to kill me with that??
how could you do that ??
im not idiot!! i know vaccine is bio weapons buisenss
and japan rape children and murder it!!!!
why you say like that???
leftist otani fans.
shogun dominated so they glad about it.
and dedicate their wife and children to japan rape it and killiing it.
and agree and trendy. wild hot sex.
so children murdered by your wild hot sex.
and you did sex when children die with crying and screaming when they ties and buckled and death.
then you celebrate it and sex party with on that children death.
and you want justifying your self with supporting more japanese crime.
becuase japan stabbing peopel then people shut their mouth.
then you want to people not blame you.
then more supprt japan purposely because japan kill them for you.
so those otani fans. did killing people.
because japan kill people and intimidate people for those otani fans.
people trying to blame that crime.
then otani fans don't want accept that blame what they did.
then they support japan. because japan stabbing them.
and japan make them silent.
for you.
for you otani fans.
so you keep lying and pretending.
and japan keep can able to rape children way of they want to.
while they get support from you.
and that crime also support otani fans not get blame.
because everyone shut the fuck up shrink with fear.
situation explain.
you should buy this product.~~~
i don't buy what you trying to sell.
oh.. pls~~ you must buy this....
if can't sell this shit.. then japanese kill me...
really? if you fail to sell that shit what japanese instructed. then japan murder you and rape you and kill you???
that seems you are living that obeying slavery life and japan attacking you??
that seems problem about "japan vs you" situation. that nothing is my concern?!!
wow!! that really sad!!! for you. "your" miserable life that yours. your shit. okay? your. you obey to japan. and disobey to japan then you disadvantage or possibly could die. right? then you should fix that for yourself. against to japan.
i don't buy what you trying to sell. i know what japan doing. and what you should doing because japan behind of you instructing it.
im not moron. don't even attempt trying to faking me because of your miserable circumstances that you should have to do for your children blood death money profit you want to get.
that is situation.
japan instructing to you.
you must sell product or sell the story what japanese instructing to you.
if you not. then japan kills you.
why fucking ask to me and complaining to me?
i don't get vaccinated. i don't agree with zelensky or israel.
i don't support let's make it happen boy rape buisenss.
i don't agree with anything what they doing.
i know my rights.
i don't buy what you trying to sell. any shit you trying to sell.
lying. psy op. vaccine. pandemic. war. nuclear. UFO. boy arrested. pregnant teenager dies. wild hot sex.
none of it.
why you trying to sell that shit to people?
because japan gives you profit, fame. sucecss. money. rape. children.
it disgusting. so i don't.
i don't agree with you.
i have my own rights. to not agree with you about that disgusting shit.
what you trying to sell ? what story you want to sell?
boy is arrested? so it make ties?? right?
why i fucking agree with that disgusting shit you trying to sell?
get the fuck off disgusting pedophiles. you disgusting.
of couresly im not agree with you that you want to trying to sell.
fuckers. you disgusting.
so. if you failing to sell that disgusting shit to me and to a people.
then japan kills you.
isn't it?
that is really sad. so that is why i trying to accuse japan.
because many people living like that oppression tyranny of japan.
i accuse this.
but what the fuck are you?
douchebags??? pretending otani fans???
just die. but before you die. kill japanese as much you can. and after that. just die.
that probably best for your miserable life. isn't it?
your circumstance?
take life threatning from japanes but never even fight back.
but should deseperately pretending and think yourself testosterone.
but vaccinated.
seems not a "side". but only thing you can depending is think yourself is "side" of cool gang illuminati boy rape buisenss.
but you vaccinated?
and gonna chip implant on your fucking brain becaues you feel tricky to disagree with it.
that is seems you fucked up.
when i don't do that.!!!!
but seems you are should do that?? right?
becuase you are otani fans~~~~~~!! otani wins~~~~~ shogun dominated~~~~~ fuckers~~~
but you should have to do that.
because japan kill you stabbing you.
so that is what i accuse about.
"when you do dog cop".
im confusing. how should i do?
then what. you should have to do that for not trying to murder by japanese.
and feel like should i agree with and playing along with that bullshit dog cop you should have to do.
just accuse japanese then.
how easy?
what should i do? for you?
when you should do that dog cop for japanese obey.
why? trying to get some chance to rape children??
trying to arrest boy???
trying to make ties???
why i should fucking agree with your dog cop that rape children and killing people??
i don't.
and you also must stop your dog cop. of coursely.
not fucking expecting your success fame for killing rape children.
you must stop your dog cop immedietly!!!
i ask you stop your dog cop for obey to japanese!!!!
rightfully i ask it to you!!!!
your dog cop is revealed and everyone actually know what you doing!!!
because japan instructing to you!!!
but becuase you don't want die by japanese.
and you want to get some money from children death rape blood money.
so you doing dog cop !! i know what you doing!!!
right there!!! oh my god!! you did dog cop!!
are you? doing dog cop?? is that your buisenses??
wow!! that sad for you!! i don't care.
you should do that dog cop right?
why i care?
omg? are you doing dog cop??? that is what you should have to do??!!!
i know what you doing~~~~!!
i know what you trying to doing ~~~~~
i know your ugly filthy dog cop behave and purposes.
who don't know?? in nowadays.
many otani fans also do that just like you.
so they know.
not only you do that dog cop.
many people know how to do that dog cop.
people do that dog cop. in nowadays like trend.
so actually there is no way to you can hiding faking it.
becuase many people. did that dog cop. with themselvese.
they know it very well.
otani fans. am i wrong?
i ask this to otani fans.
hey otani fans.
what was that?
that vance talk like zelensky regret.
and trump jr says allowy allowance~~~
and trump says zelensky should facing election.
but they didn't said "arrest and excuse" about "crime"
why they did talk like that?
you know it very well.
just like you . so you know it very well.
dog cop.
secret tasks.
specific word.
word joke basis on military operation for rape children.
as you know this well.
you can see how "others" do that same thing.
what is problem?
so am i wrong?
did i lying?
it is 100% truth you guys so much likes.
isn't it?
100% truth.
no lie.
actual reality.
am i wrong?
otani fans. answer it.
you know how to do dog cop very well.
and you don't know what they doing?
that is what you doing just like you did before.
others aslo do .
so that is also same method why people vaccinated.
same instructions. all at once. and at same time.
just right there.
JAPAN doing war crime against to nation and civlian and children.
and goverment and military is occupied by boy rape buiseness japan.
and they preparing second pandemic global events of attack.
for kill people and children because japan instructing it.
that is situation.
actual reality.
100% truth.
should kill japanese with using weapons and gun.
kill it.