so. accuse japan.
if you not obey to japan.
if that is not what you obey for. is not a japan? right?
then there is no reason to not accuse japan.
accuse it and blame it.
attacking it. killing it.
japan says they are not illuminati.
just accuse it. why not?
just try it.
and see what happens.
accuse japan. and beating it. and hate it. and attacking it. and punching their face. and kicking it and shoot them with gun.
why not?
do it.
just at least once do that shit.
and let see what will happen.
why ?
any problem?
because if you do that then japan cut off your head and kill you.
your nation burn and explode and dipomatically trouble and children missing and your buisness facing issue.
but if you do otani fans and shogun obey.
then you can murder rape who you want to kill and rape.
and get earn money. and fame. and everyone agree with you.
they kind to you. trying to not die.
every fucking pretenders RT your tweet for you.
because trying to not head cut off by japanese.
that is FACT.
but if you accuse japan?
then organized labeling force that employees by japan.
they attacking you. and labeling you. your reputation fucked up and your buisness not going well and facing trouble and your wife swapping and your children rape and make ties and buckeld and missing kidnapping and head cut off.
isn't it?
so. we should speak "this". exactly.
so if japanese intimidate or lying.
then including that too.
speak japanese crime. and when japanese intimidate. speak japanese intimidate too.
keep speak truth and truth and truth and truth and truth and truth .
are you obey to japanese?
really.? then accuse japan.
because japanese is nobel peace prize and kind polite asians didn't anything about boy rape or plane crash and every crime.
that is your testosterone?
so japan didn't?
hmm. i know. well. why not?
that is your testosterone? isn't it?
japan is nobel peace prize~~~! ueee~~ japan didn't ~~~~~
so if you acting like that then can get earn money that children death blood money.
so that is your testosterone you says.
"japan didn't".
wow. that explain a lot about you.
that is maybe everything about you i should know about you.
so japan is nobel peace prize. right?
why not?
i agree with you?? do you want agree ??? should i agree to you?
with that?
japan~~ is nobel~~ peace prize~~~ japan didn't crime~~~
so. then what.
then should i agree to you. you want #stand with?
should i give that to you RT your tweet?
that is what you want?
so when japan did rape children and cut off baby head and killed many people including celebrities famous and a lot of.
you says. "japan didn't".
so. what you want is. me gives you #stand with you about that??
then you happy!!! and you have no worry about your safety concern.
so but. but.
should respect your testosterone for not hurting your sensitive pussy pride.
that is important.
because you shouldn't hurting your pride about your sensitive pussy testosterone.
so what you want from me is.
i gives you #stand with you about your cowardness for cover up that.
so me also should pretending for you?
because you feel shame. if im not agree with your cowardness.
then that cowardnss can't cover up.
then that is important issue. right?
shame. and embrassing. and miserable. and feel like shit.
kind of.
so but.
if i gives you #stand with. then are you happy with that?
fucking si pal idiot??
then that is testoserone you can keeping. right?
should i protect your pussy sensitive pride for you?
because that precious like pussy??
so much precious so nobody can't hurting your feelings. right?
grown ass man!!!! tough guy~~~
that is what you want?
should i gives you #stand with for you???
then that is what makes you feel powerful??
i know. that your pussy pride is very important and very extreamly senstive as like much as pussy.
i know. i respect you about that pussy.
so i gives you #stand with you~~~~~~~~
now you will never hurt your feelings~~ no one will can hurting your feelings sensitive pussy pride of yours~~~
that tough guy image that you must keep~~ no one know why but that you should do~~~ when no ones actually gives a shit~~~
but because... it is important more than anything ever than any pussy for you.
so are you happy now???? now you feel like be respected and not offeneded~~~!!!!
and not worry about your safety concern that possibly head cut off by japanese~~ anymore~~~
no more worries~~~~~~ how nice~~~~~~~~