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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

japan control and manipulate everything from behind.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida held a telephone meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the 6th and announced that he would provide 700 billion won to restore the damage caused by the earthquake that occurred in Turkey in February.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will visit Turkey on the 7th (local time) to meet with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey's state-run TRT Haver reported on the 6th.


see what they exactly attempt now.

japan attempt world war 3. trying to "buying" erdogan support for NATO.

and immedietly zelensky getting japanese order and they co operate.

satanist fucking psychopath.

japan is not a victim of earthquake.

they kill their own nation.

pledge to satan and if they fail then they punish by their own boss.

that different, trukiye earthquake is "attack". because resist.

and japan earthquake is "punishment" that stanist each others.

japan fucking neve resist and can't even do their crime well. and failure.

of coursely fucking beaten always.

that is just their own fucking circumstances.

and they trying to claim it like they underpreviliged.

fucking leading all psy op and take all charge and why they so much ugly??

japanese satanist kill their own nation?

yes. 911 was US kill US people for themselves.

but it is not US, but satanist imposters.

so japanese satanist and their goverment using their own nation people and they doing gambling and crime.

japanese satanist bet all including japan people and they pledge to satan and get earn profit and do all plan.

for nulcear water release and world war 3.

distraction, murder, rape, for covering vaccine damage.

because trying to kill all vaccinated people .

that is what leftist japan.

japan is leader of satanist and they take all charge.

japan goverment and japan imposters. they are satanist that kill all humanity including their own nation people.

and they using it for underprevilged.

but it all same.

zelensky kill ukrainan soldier and civlilan for money laundry and world war 3.


japan kill their own nation people for their own profit and lying and pretending underprevilged.

what was #stand with ukraine?

zelensky should do money laundry but if you resist against it,

then you are russian spy and you against to ukrainian soldier who lost their lives in battle field.

but zelensky and joe biden for their money laundry and keep their power.

with out election.

they need world war 3. and more money laundry for war buisness.

and zelensky killing all their own nation people.

also joe biden mandate vaccination for kill US people.

japan also bet their own nation people for pledge to satan. they dedicate their own people to a satan.

and they kill every humanity and including their own nation people.

that is what satanist.

shut off leftist japan. and there is no confuse.

what they labeling and slandering and lying.

they are the fucking satanist leader now.

birng down joe biden and japan.

then rest of illuminati also fall. naturally.

and maybe they will just faking their own death and trying to attempt justfying digital currency.

and that also should stopping it.

"digital currency" "vaccination" "chip implant"

911 and joe biden = satanist imposters kill US people.

zelensky and stand with ukraine = zelensky kill ukrainian people.

japan earthqauke = japan kill their own people for pledged satan.

and japan conducting everything.

for world war 3.

they caught and debunked then they now think should all of you die.

fucking psychopath.

shut off leftist japan and attack them.

before you murdered by them.

japan cut off then all rest of illuminati naturally fell down.

japan - joe biden - zelensky - known illuminati that white hat will defeat them. - no way to know they faking their arrest or death - defeat their "purpose" = digital currency, vaccination, chip implant.

what people should defeat is japan.

japan not defeat then all meaning nothing.

and also it could go backward approch.

defeat their "purpose" = digital currency, vaccination, chip implant.

it will kill japan.

but while we resist to it, all process will same.

all rest part automatically fit.

and do both of them same time.

shut off leftist japan.

and claim vaccine damage, vaccine scam.

digital currency and chip implanting.

so how it is.

just fucking naturally.

shut off leftist japan psy op.


and claim and speak.

what you should really care.

NATO trying to do world war.

and zelensky money laundry.

joe biden wears skin masks, and madated vaccination, and psychpath pedophiles epstein related all that celebrities and democrats politics.


all brainwash and psy op.

japanese murder rape, word twisting joke and even including children.

media and youtube manipulation.

all that thing.

just that is what actual reality now.

there is no difficulties.

believe lying is not fooled or confuse.

seems japan wining then that is why.

many nation trying to support japan and that consequently support satan demons.

but just they think , well? if just manipulate media news and hired clown gibberish and intimidate then people will not saying anything~

they think like that.

and actually people not saying anything while knowing all truth.

becaue japan will kill you piece by pieces.

so, for we not dying!! because japan kill us.!!

so we can't saying anything.

humanity just dying with silence.

because japan intimidate and kill you.


just speak truth.

what they doing.

just wow!


can you stop kill humanity?? just ask that to them.

really. seriously.

what is fucking pretending?

even while vaccinated and nuclear watse water spreaded.

and still fucking pretending. even they now attempt world war 3.

and people know it.

and they do nothing and speak nothing.

just speak.


wow japanese kill all humanity now.

and they did that all bullshit word twisting and children rape and kill over 3 years for fun.

what is your confuse and pretending.

it is not.

it is your fear and they intimidate you.

once fucking admit and realized truth then just admit and do not repeat.

just naturally talk about what is issue nowadays.

not a fucking cheap porn gibberish that fucking they distracting and intimidate.

acting normal and sane.

not acting like filthy fraud who waiting opportunity of your justfying violence and trying to get some money and shrink with fear and cowardly pretending you agree with them.

just all that fucking ugly filthy mind.

not only fear. but fear + ugly expectation.

feel like~~ you can justfying your violence.

but just consume by demons and ruin your life like fucking idiot and when look back then just taint and stupidity and douche.

and only thing remain is just endlessly blame others and acting like psychopath and more and more suffer and soulless and thoughtless.

and just vacccinating your own self and brain chip implanting and trying to just being puppet robot.

make me a robot~

and just giving up everything and worthless life.

that is what their own life.

what a cheap old fairytale like.

legend of stupidity.

every stupidity is have same story. and that is what life of leftist japan and life of who people agree with them.

and if you are not, then beware and shut off those negativity people.

do not affect by them.

be smart.

just admit.

not trying to do not admit.

but admit.

people so much feel resist about admit what they did.

you exactly did aiding support satanist rape and murder children and all humanity.

you laughed with it.

you joked it.

then admit and shut off them.

people who can't is same psychopath satanist.

don't gives a shit.

if you are not one of satanist then you can admit and shut off them quick and fast.

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