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japanese instructions is "when they hate you." "do not make people compromise to japan that makes everyone danger."

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

so japan get caught their crime.

and it is official.

talk about every crime what japan did.

every death and casualties and damage.

"people murdered by japan."

and blame it accuse it.

leftist you can blame trump and right wing side.

why they do same agenda with joe biden treason did?

so republicans shouldn't compromise easily.

when they instructing "secret tasks".

so example. hegseth and marco lubio talk about north korean threat.

but let me ask you question. why you even do that?

you are the target who victims of fraud scam.

when you perform that instruction.

when japan hate you. they makes you do that with your ownself.

about their crime instead of japan.

and when you do it.

you are the target.

just talk about those "secret tasks".

they makes you do specific behave and mentioning specific word.

right? that was always same method.

and somehow. you are the bad guy. and you take burden of crime instead of japan.

and that is all.

do not fool by those "secret tasks".

that how many people damaged by this with same ????

you must say "ohio".

and they just do. and when japan occuring ohio chemical leak.

think about.

omg ohio chemical leak. it is bad. it is cover up vaccine damage. and sabotage attack.

then feel like anything you did wrong?

but you feel, omg why people blame me?

no one did.

that thing happens.

so if i say, "north korea may hit US" plan by japan is bad.

then those hegseth and marco lubio who did secret tasks.

they think. they are offended.

no. you shouldn't compromise to japan from at first place.

is it correct?


japan trying to attack US main territory with through using north korea crisis they made up.

and why you agree with this.?

then literally you are the criminals and you invovle and but japan make you villain instead of them.

so if i trying to stop that north korea crisis scenario .

then will you feel you are offended because i blame it?

you shouldn't.

in logic. but problem is.

why japan did suggest that instructing to specifically "you"?

because. who japan want hate and attack is target is "you".

then they make you do that secret tasks.

as we know. over 4 years saw how japan did that using method into every others.

and of coursely those "secret tasks" is with intimidate.

so they just do and can't reject it.

because we know. japan kill people.

it is direct threat against to nation. war crime.

that didn't even to politicians. even civilian and children damaged.

many famous died by those japanese lying and instructions and intimidate.

and it is war situation. sabotage attack.

do not fool.

now japanese interference republicans for control it.

shouldn't ignore this.

should speak up. leftist should talk about their damage.

and right wing side also should speak up about those"control" and interference and secret tasks.

it exist and we can even see it.

speaker johnson passess pandemic buget,

hegseth and marco talk about north korea crisis scenario for war plan.

it just "right there" exist. we can see it. it main stream media news front page.

as itself. we just saw what was happened.

japan did instructing to people.

just right there.

crime is happening in real time.

just fucking it happened. should speak up.

nothing is tricky.

people died and casualties damage and control and intimidate exist.

in nation.

so leftist. you should blame it.

omg? why ? republicans perform about "north korea war crisis scenario plan" ????

what is problem? what is wrong with you ?

why they do same fraud scam with joe biden do.

you can talk about it. and you can even blame it.

and it is not even just pointless hate about trump or conservative.

it is functioning democracy that can solve your problem but also can make circumstnaces those republicans not compromise because situation is bad.

when people speak up.

omg leftist noticed it!! seems it not works!!! how should do?

but no one did fault!!! not anyone's blame but japanese ugly lying get caught by people!!!

then leftist you can blame right wing way of you want and can even protect them.

speak up. accuse japan and beating japan.

then everything is nice.

should fix thing from fundamental cause.


japan instructing. japan planning. japan doing crime. japan kill people.

japan did.

if say only about this. that can solve rest of problem.

because "children rape" that japan doing. let's make it happen.

"LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN" that runs every rest of scenario and crime all at once.

death toll rise.

people stabbed.

get shoted.

missing kidnapping.

rape women and children.

then? that is why people shrink with fear just like you do.

and they compromise and listening to japanese.

and they perform japanese instruction because don't want die.

and that makes thing keep getting worse and crime make happen.

LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN. that japanese lead every AGENDA and crime.

japan : you should do this secret tasks.

you : why?

japan : because i hate you.

that is fact.

talk about this.

how many victims ruin their life and dead and damaged cruelly with this same method?

when japan suggest it. that means. they hate personally hate you. only that reason.

really those psychopath have no reason.

if they hate someone. they make you agree with them. and make you do secret tasks about self-destructive.

japan want you do self-destructive.

means. japan attacking you. with that purpose.

victim and target is "you".

becuase you do "self-destructive" you perform it.

you are the subject of exploit. because japan want it.

japan hate you with personal reason because they hate.

every victims is same damaged with same method.

so there is issue.

japan makes you "self-destructive"

when i blame it.

you think me is who bad.

omg why you blame me?

i didn't.


but somehow.

you, who doing and performing that japanese instruction.

you just .. it is JAPAN VS YOU. japan did attacked you.

not japanese give you incentive or suggest nice thing murder rape.


japan doing "attack" on you. with "self-destructive" method.

and me. is just accuse japan about this.

because japan doing that crime. to humanity.

including "you" are one of just victims. not otani fans or not a some shit.

you are just victims who miserable and sad.

and problem is people not even resist and

just like leftist.

think about leftist.

they losing everything and abused and dead and losing house and completely destroyed.

and just see them. they don't even resist. they obey and do otani fans.

but it is "self-destructive". they attack by japan. and they attacking themselves.


just that harmful to yourself. but it harmful to every others.!!!

because you talk about "north korea nuclear crisis scenario".

then why blame me?

me should blame "you". and japan behind of.

so i keep trying to accuse JAPAN. you are just victims who subject of exploit.

so not that care. not important.

you are not that important. in this situation.

otani fans?.

so regardless it. but fundamentally.


so accuse japan.

and people who doing japanese secret tasks. means victims.

of coursely you guys should resist and fight back about japanese attack on "your" your problem.

but that your problem you not even resist make harm every others and make every others danger.

can you understand????

when japan attacking you. when you not resist and supporting it.

that self destructive makes you harm. but that makes every others in danger.

how many people died stabbed shoted and UFO appear and north korea crisis way of you want to made up????

pandemic?? vaccine?? wild fire???

just see that actual reality.

so when republicans passes pandemic bill and talk about north korea crisis that japan want to do.

do you think am i fucking do "i agree with you~~~~"

#stand with you~~~

i don't do that. that is difference.

but even i tell the situation to them.

hey you are in danger and you are the target of subject of exploit.

you should fix it about your own problem about japanese attack on "you".

that is all.

just naturally. and that blame japan. and protect them at same time.

should speak up and of coursely should stop japanese bothering them.

why fucking japanese shitting around? and make it happen? all that sabotage and death and murder rape children and baby killing?

should accuse it.

i did accuse japan and ask to victims get off from it and reject those suggestions and intimdiate from japan.

that makes everyone danger.

and i ask to people to speak about this for make good circumstance for no more make those victims.

because when those victims keep compromise.

that bring bad consequences like UFO and wild fire and north korea crisis you doing it with yourself.

right there.

so i speak up stopping it. i ask you must stop it and japan did it from behind.

and accuse japan.

let's stop "let's make it happen" war crime sabotage attack.

have no problem.

everyone should speak and talk about this issue.

"do not make people compromise to japan that makes everyone danger."

omg otani wins!!

now japan control and dominate republicans!! otani wins!!


you support crime and you die by it.

you make people compromise.

you get shot insurance company CEO and every others.

and they obey to japan.

and you die by it.

with your ownself.

exactly should stop this insanity and stupidity.


you make celebrities sell their pussy to crime and fall from hotel.

many company make contents about praise worship japan.

people keep compromise and compromise.

and UFO wild fire. north korea crisis way of because you want to do it.

missing kidnapping.

boy is arrested. because that is you want make it happen.

new born baby dies.

pregnant teenager dies.

your stimulation for fun and violence you want to.

and people died.

and nation burn and your house burn.

and you ask question to yourself.

"why it happens?!!!!!"


you did.

so do not make people keep compromise with your own threatning.

you obey to japan. you make people shrink with fear.

and you intimdiate them with japanese.

and japan control them.

and they do crime easily.

and people keep die.

and too many people lost their lives. including children. and even new born baby dies.

for those ugly scumbags fun.

insane psychopath.

sick fuck disgusting japanese mentally illed psychopath fun.

do not agree with it. do not let's make it happen.

speak and talk and accuse it blame it.

and protect your self from those "self-destructive" japanese war attack.

make sure about your stance for prevent japanese attack.

declare japan is the "enemy". from first place.

for prevent japanese slightly suggest and trying to faking bait you.

when you step on it. you are the victims.

beware and aware this to people.

it was all same method.


#stand with ukraine.

let's make it happen.

all about you agree with your own self-destructive.

that make you trapped in your own trap.

and japan control you like puppet.

should get off from this.

people need to get off from "this" exactly.

and attack japan.


최근 게시물

전체 보기

logic and common sense.

people. is it difficult? to detecting suspect and know about "crime case". it is simple. and basis on logic. everyone know "let's make it...


situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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