speak truth and do not participate that murder game.
let's make it happen.
that is the what movie purge game.
and that is the what civli war they talk about.
and that is why second pandemic they talk about.
all same thing.
that make us kill each others hate each others.
there is no "side".
feel like leftist politics? and right wing?
if there is "side" then it would be criminals vs victims.
as i was said before.
do not die for joe biden.
do not kill for joe biden.
that really need to ask this to people around. to a everyone. including whoever is, media news employees or just friend of yours or to a goverment officials and to a military soldiers.
should ask this to them.
let's we do not play the game that murder game we play along by foreign enemy japan and foreign enemy israel and foreign enemy ukraine.
they are the world war 3 plan criminals.
and trying to make us kill each others.
why not talk about "this" exactly?
that is what point.
what we trying to speak up is about stopping world war 3 and that worth and really many worth to speaking it.
not tricky. feel tricky? nothing tricky.
it is about for humanity.
for our selves and for our chlidren.
can't accept those stimulation violence like this irresopnsible.
that is my thought. i don't know how fuckers think about.
but one thing is clear.
do not die for joe biden. not a worth. okay?
don't do that shit
and much more.
do not fucking kill others for joe biden. that really don't need.
we don't need civil war or lets make it happen murder game each others. or pandemic bullshit.
ask this. ask this to people around you. speak up.
let's make their expectation rate low and failure.
can understand?
there is "murder game". how many people participate it.
what they can expecting about how many of reducing population through those civli war or pandemic situation they set up for joke?
let's make it "not" happen.
speak this. and ask this to people with together.
so it is simple.
they did "let's make it happen".
then we should speak about.
let's make it not happen.
only simple with this.
really simple.
should gathering that opinions. and should prove it about "we will not gonna kill each others even if circumstance allow violence".
should appealing it seriously. with all our best we can.
suddenly just pretending kindness whatever shit.
really. need that.
even just whatever shit talk about kindness and feel like suddenly believe jesus all of sudden.
or just talk anything shit you can about kindness.
just omg~~ i love you guys~~ i never kill anyone with for stimulation~~ i think that is wrong~~~~!!!
we fucking die. people.
should speak up.
do every effort you can.
can die like this with bullshit pandemic and civil war or whatever happens.
"it will not happens. and we will make it not happens."
speak this. in any context.
any bullshit.
civil war? oh no. nope. let's make it not happen!!! we gonna make it not happen!!!
pandemic??? again??? no!!! we will make it not happen!!!!!
le'ts ask this to people together.
how about that?
people. because you prove that let's make it happen.
so why that happens.
feel like raped women is dog cop or paid comfort women.
when you prove it. they apply it on children.
can understand?
feel like that is proved data by people experimental.
do not give them to that fucking prove and agree about psychopath murder rape violence game.
they justifying it and they think people want civil war and pandemic and kill each others.
because you guys keep yelling like "let's make it happen" otani wins.
that become data.
that they justifying crime. that people feel like want to kill each others from themselves.
but of coursely.
should denying it and reject it even purposely.
oh? i don't want kill anyone~~~ if i want to kill!! then that is japanese!!!!~~
say like this.
completely purposely intentionally make their justifying false.
because don't want die by murder game. but because want to kill who doing that murder game.
so intentionally say that.
oh~ i so much kindness person~~~ i believe jesus ~~~ i love people i don't kill anyone~~~ oh my god~~~
and let's kill japanese~~~!!
for why? just we know truth. we are not a moron and we know what they doing.
then should fucking up that bullshit murder game.
intentionally with intention.
of coursely.
why we should play along by it?
just say no.
let's make it not happen!!! and let's kill japanese who doing let's make it happen. for make it not happen.
say this to officially to people together.
we already know what is happening and what is going to happen.
then let's make it not happen. why not?
feel like we don't know??
are you don't know??
we know.
then say what you know.
whatever just opposite and denying it.
let's make it happen~~~!
oh no~ let's make it "not" happen!!!
otani wins~~
no~~ otani kills~~~!!
#stand with ukraine~~!!
no. #not stand with ukraine because don't need!!!
israel gaze take over!!!
no israel get the fuck off from GAZA exactly.
say like that way.
just opposite to psychopath murderers.
then no crime. appealing it. politically.
omg joe biden~~
no then trump~~!!
trump compromised!!
then no trump! but trump should prove his innocent about not same side with joe biden and japan and israel and ukraine!!!
we ask this to trump.
you must explain this~~!!
do that shit you guys always do typically shit
but to a correct opponent.
that always doing shit. you guys talking shit.
you must explain this~~ you must explain this~~~
so do that shit to suspect.
not a labeling it to innocent victims.
do that labeling or whatever shit to criminals.
to a criminals that you trying to obey to.
that is difference.
maybe that opponent who criminals. is what you obey.
but not labeling and attacking innocent people.
do that same shit to criminals that you can't even resist.
with courage. and testosterone.
do that to criminals.
to a suspect.
that who doing crime and occuring and make it happen.
to them.
to a criminals. that boy rape and stabbing and plane crash.
so we can't even resist to it.
and should talk about it politically.
omg we could die!!! by japanese stabbing and murder rape and missing kidnapping and wild fire and plane crash that make it happen!!!!
they threatning and intimidate our children like that way of method they using.
word joke. and trend. and let's make it happen!!
they did!!! japan killed and raped children with that method!!! that method we know as trend how to doing it?
we know how to doing that method!!!
because many people did that to others who want they kill and who want they rape!!
so that is reason. why we "know" how to do that method!!!
then we can accuse this so much well.
you know that method so much well becuase you even apply it and using it and experience it .
why not?
word is same~~~~!! labeling~~ omg!! something happened!! now it is word is same fault!~~~~
suspect is innocent victims with labeling.!!!
make it suspect with labeling when it is not a true~~ but only reason because of reason of "bullshit word is same".
then kill people who you want to kill. right? was it happy? and was it works nicely?
why we can't speak and talk about it?
how you kill who you want to kill?
word joke. and labeling. and make it happen.
how many died by this?
and why we saying we don't know this?
then just speak up and preventing it.
it was TREND.
officially happened in real time and every day.
TREND means we can talk about this officially with also court together and goverment together and military together.
it was TREND. then me know this. you know this. they know this. everyone know this.
but it including.
media news. many companies. famouse. celebrities. goverment. politicians. military. too.
then why ?
why we saying we don't know suspect and we don't know crime method?
why should say like that?
because that everyone also know.
japan will kill you stabbing you and kill your children and rape your children.
so speak "this". exactly.
speak "this".