people. is it difficult? to detecting suspect and know about "crime case".
it is simple. and basis on logic.
everyone know "let's make it happen" japanese and tessa violet wild hot sex word joke method, that murder game they playing along.
but because we know goverment and military is involved in this.
so should pretending we don't know about that crime.
but actually. don't need to do that pretending.
means, it is fucked up.
people. when goverment and military is same criminals of boy rape buisness and human trafficking and genocide crime.
that is what we call, "fucked up" in logic.
i mean. we fucked up seriously.
that is why many time said, abscence of goverment function is really not good.
so that is why should inform every social members and including military troops each of every individual soldiers.
for truth and prevent "let's make it happen" accident murder game that happen by own goverment and military.
and scenario come from japanese and tessa violet. as we know it as common sense.
but because when every goverment officials or media news and famous and companies and military and cops and FBI or CIA.
they are all same team of boy rape satanist.
who lying for japanese. who work for japanese and tessa violet boy rape buisness.
because they are employees and actually not that have any will to resist or whatever shit.
because satanist boy rape buisness run every buisness.
including goverment and military and FBI and CIA and cops and law and court.
as we know.
so that is what means "fucked up". vaccine bio weapons killed people and let's make it happen murder game officially happening.
but goverment and military silent about this.
means fucked up situation.
world is fucked up.
simply. in logic.
that is what fact we should know.
everyone know japan tessa violet word joke method.
let's make it happen. crime.
but pretending we don't know. because if say that truth then compromised goverment and military kills you with accident.
then just organized otani fans cover up that crime with labeling and intentional word mocking.
so everyone fear it. and no one trying to talk about it.
except me.
just say it.
not that difficult.
read what i just said right here many times and say it.
oh~ "that" let's make it happen crime !! that japanese suspect and tessa violet doing and goverment and military cover up?!!!
"that"!!! murder game officially happen but no one trying to spoke up!!
convsersation this with people together.
and yes. that is what means "fucked up" is .
when goverment and military not functioning.
murder game is keep happen by japanese and tessa violet.
that everyone knows. but that goverment and military and everyone trying to cover up.
because there is no way to solve this.
when everyone is compromised.
so say that "compromised" and "fucked up" situation.
fucked up.
litearlly. the absence of goverment and military function.
when there is japanese doing murder game for word joke.
but when goverment and military silent about this. and even when they support that crime happens for trying to rape boy.
that is the. definition of "absecnce of goverment and mliitary function".
when itself is criminals.
can understand?
so that is what definition of directive 51 kind of situation we facing and living in it.
people keep murder by japanese. and children rape by japanese. and tessa violet wild hot sex fun.
but when no one trying to arrest them and silent about this.
that situation is happen in real time.
so actually not that difficult about crime case.
but we should consider about apocalyptic situation of emergency.
should think about shelter, and safety, and food and water.
for surviving.
because japanese kill slaughter people but goverment and military support their crime officially.
speak this. with people who want to survive in trust each others.
pretending or social relationship in fake lying is not helping.
logically not useful.
im very realistic way of logical advice about situation.
if trying to conversation with but in social pretending logic ground?
trying to talk about what?
japan didn't that crime? or tessa violet wild hot sex is trend??
trying to say that bullshit for nothing?
then what is "actual" logical solution? in emergency situation.
should talk about japanese crime and tessa violet crime.
with blame and accuse.
but with people who can trustable.
that is most logical.
in my logical opinions. i don't fuck know how others thinking.
but for me. im very logically accept situation itself as itself.
don't need to denying my word. why? even why?
it's okay.
be logical. im not moron.
maybe there is many labeling and organized military operation for boy rape and murder human trafficking. for crime.
but regardless.
what i speak is only truth of real truth because i don't pretending.
as everyone know it about me.
so. i know. for myself. i have my own way of surviving and method to how to avoid satanic attack.
but i know you guys are not.
everyone have own circumstance.
so telling.
nicely well avoid.
you know. when there is "bullshit" means vaccine or chip implant or whatever lying.
i mean. should avoid it as much you can with your best.
can understand?
even if you pretending for social relationship that actually don't need.
but because you should have job and keep that "fucking relationship"
i know. that maybe could be important for you. not for me.
but if you should.
then as much you can.
find way to how to not get vaccinated.
so. you can pretending. you can #stand with.
but should must make clearly about this.
"but, don't get actually vaccinated".
should find way how to do that with all your best.
as much you can.
maybe compromise?.
then i don't know. i recommend if you necessary then you must choose "avoid satanic attack" as first concern.
i want say like that.
so do your best as much you can. about "not accept any satanic fraud scam".
that is only advice.
for myself. i cut off everything if i need to.
im make sure about this. i never accept any risk. i don't want.
that is my personality.
but also i know many others people are different with me.
i know. i understand you.
but if i honestly say.
with compassion. really. guys.
don't get vaccinated or don't get any chip implant.
as much you can.
with your best as you can.
i really want say that with most poweful word i can.
honestly saying.
don't need to get any pressure about "relationship"
think about.
your friend. say. you should get vaccinated. and you should agree with them.
is it your friend?
who suggest to you vaccine bio weapons. that is killing you. that murdering you.
at that point. how that person can be friend?
it is enemy.
isn't it? am i wrong? i can't understand.
someone tell me. you should get vaccinated. how that is fucking friends?
or chip implant. or boy rape buisness. or bit coin.
how. how that is the fucking friend????
if it is friend? then should say like this.
hey. you shouldn't get vaccinated. you shouldn't agree with japanese global children sex trafficking and murder game that killing others.!!!
oh!!! oooooh~~!! you are my friend!!!! oh my god!!!
that is the friend!!! yeaaa!!!
think about.
hey~ you must get vaccinated bio weapons that possibly could kill you!!!!
oh!!! how thank you!! you motherfucker?!?!!
you are really my friend?!!!!! wowaaaaaaa!!
you are my friend!! best friend!!! i know~~~!! why not???
you gave me vaccine bio weapons that possibly could kill me!!!????
oh!! you are my best friend!! i know!!!
im so happy i have friend like you who gave me vaccine bio weapons!! of course it is!!!