so japanese is did every crime sabotage attack.
let's make it happen.
so people wonder about why japanese is asian but what is relate about?
should see the history.
so if japan did achieved that manchuria land for built israel then explain easier.
later when pandemic happens.
omg why suddenly those vaccine pandemic happens? why suddenly japanese shitting around?
it must be israel??
oh that!! who built israel was japan!!
oh i got it!! that make sense!!
but because of israel not place in manchuria.
people confusing about it.
omg why you keep accuse japan?? why you talk about israel and japan is same team?? japan is asia. nothing relate with israel!!!
is japanese anime talk about sieg zeon? is accidental? or just coincedence??
people ask question that.
japan was alliance of nazi. that khazaria jewish who satanist same baby eating psychopath.
and japan was tried attempt built israel on manchuria.
but jewish people have serious obssession about zion. that jerudsalem.
so that didn't accepted.
so people not that know about that relation between secret of japan and israel.
japan is zionist. same team.
so world war 3 plan.
by ukraine zelensky , purposely occuring trouble on europe for drag europe into war.
and mid east israel occuring trouble.
and japan planning in asia using korea.
north korea missile may could hit US. like let's make it happen.
people supporting world war 3 plan.
do not agree with japanese.
japan. ukraine. israel. they are the who have evil plan about world war 3 global events of attack.
can fit the all the puzzle ??
but because japan is feel like polite asian.
that people misunderstanding about them.
they are demons.
they are zionist. sieg zion. secretly they worship it. through using their anime. feel like fiction. and just accidentally word is same.
that method.
feel like word is smiliar.
zeon. zion.
so that is different. not a zion. but obviously they intentionally do that purposely.
as we always know that word basis on joke sabotage attack.
that all come from japanese method.
so shouldn't trying to make japanese innocent.
that same like you make israel and ukraine innocent and joe biden and fauci and many others.
that really dangerous. that makes everyone dangerous.
japan is one of suspect and very leader and who control all of those crime.
but that is why people obey to japan and cover up japan.
and every criminals they follow after japanese.
fundamental suspect is japanese.
shouldn't encourage them or agree with them.
that keep makes people dangerous and keep make it happen.
all those AGENDA. and pandemic. vaccine. war. conflict. murder rape. global chlidren sex trafficking. human trafficking. organ harvesting.
all kind of dark gloomy satanic crime. that make people abusing.
should speak up and accuse japanese.
japan doing secretly zionist and faking themselves with polite kind asian.
and let's make it happen psy op.
every accident happens. boy arrestd. boy stabbing. they so much obssessive to that.
and surprise. stimulation. distraction. abusing. mind control.
they using porn and snuff. and stimulation for control people easily.
do not fool.
porn. what is porn?
how to make people easily fool?
what is best?
porn.!!!! of coursely!!!
because you guys likes it.
death toll rise up.
happy news about people die.
but that constantly abusing people mind.
and vaccine bio weapon used on people.
when people have worry and anxiety about direct threat of health condition.
they keep abusing people with that bad news crime surprise.
and control people.
do not accept that torture method. war purpose of torture people with that.
using trend. and news.
and people abused. then they just listneing to japanese like real.
and as same like thomas mattew crooks.
kang is not a something evil brutal illuminati assasssin that occuring earthquake on japanese? with his magic power??
thomas mattew crooks kind of people is not a evil brutal serial killer.
just mocking intention.
trying to mocking people.
and people surprise and freaking out against to thomas mattew crooks and kang to feel like brutal evil demons.
and just nothing.
japan play along people with that. their made up scenario.
japanese control. by japan.
what people see and heared is all lying and fiction and fake.
but that not means trump assassination attempt was fake by trump.
japan did that for intimidate trump.
that is why trump in control of japanese.
who threatning trump with assassination and control trump from behind is japanese.
so when leftist blame trump you must blame japanese behind of him.
japan mocking you people.
they mocking people death and victims.
and feel like kang on south korea is villain that you should fight against.
to a evil demons kang serious illuminati occuring earthquake on japan???
and who did burned down your house.
who did plane crash?
who did vaccine pandemic?
who did stabbing boy and arrest boy??
who did stabbing people and get shot CEO???
why play along with japanese?
for their mocking?
because everyone know JAPAN did that.
japanese scenraio. and also including sandy hook shooter.
just do some effort for your own investigation and research about nowadays issue.
what was vaccine. and is it safe? or any side effect?
what was sandy hook accident?
what was all that japanese relation with israel?
why those thing happens?
what is method? word joke method.
historical issue.
buisness issue.
why burndown first before , there was smart city AGENDA.
why mrna tech? what is 5g tower doing??
check about consprioucy thoery
and why never didn't knew??
that fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog
that not even recent days.
that julian assange was revealed that before.
that already many right wing people knew about that.
so they didn't voted to joe biden. because informed about reality.
but feel like only leftist living in another reality of delusion for themselves.
for trying to get some money.
you ignore that reality. way of you want.
oh that truth is not i wanted !! i don't like it!!!
then you get vaccinated.
should becareful that.
should know about politics and situation. correctly.
not just pretending agree #stand with.
do some effort and learn thing.
not just clapping to whatever thing is about to be political.
that is why you guys always wrong.
when wrong about first button of shirts then whatever you do wrong about rest of.
japanese murder rape slaughter you but trying to fight against to evil kang because occuring earthquake with maigc!!!!
fuck that shit.
don't do that. don't acting like that.
accuse japan who did killed your family and friend and co-workers and people of your nation.
and who did burned down your house and mruder slaughter plane crash and explosion.
but because fear.
trying to looking for another guy you can fight against.
don't acting like that fucking cowardness.
accuse japan. just naturally.
can't even get mad to fucking japanese but trying to fight against to kang tomhas matte crooks is brutal serial killer.
they mocking you.
japan mocking you like that. always. death toll rise up.
fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog~~!!
then do not pretending.
when opponent doing serious about their war activities.
don't be naive.
speak up and rightfully claim your damage.
japan did violate your rights and attacking your nation.
people civlian and children murder raped.
and they mocking it.
insane psychopath that never trust them.
but attacking them and accuse them.
so leftist can learn thing from right wing people.
but also you can might be experience right wing people also they could lying.
because. that same thing . exactly when you feel trickty to blame joe biden.
they will feel same situation.
so exactly leftist and right wing together they not blame japan.
that is easy to know.
people who not blame japan is suspect and imposters.
about global children sex trafficking.
who involved about that.
check about who agree with japan.
and who can't blame japan.
politics is not difficult.
very easy to know.
just using same method that what leftist always did before.
you didn't RT something!! you didn't mentioned!!!
those thing
do that to japanese.
do that to criminals.
and let's make it happen.
let's make it not happen.
you have power to do that.
you occuring those incident for killing people and rape children.
then if you just do that correct way.
you can save people and save children with that.
should believe yourself you have power to do that.
not feel jealousy about others and feel you are not special.
do something meaningful and righteous thing. rightfully.
let's make it not happen. and speak truth for victims.
and prevent those global events of attack.
and care about others with actual.
not for political stance advantage. that for just money
if you do #stnad with ukraine then your job going well relationship going well.
so people just actually pretending about politics.
but in nowadays. as we know we can see that from main stream media news front page.
those bad thing keep happens. and people died.
and people damaged by vaccine.
and another pandemic budget passed.
when this situation. can't ingnore this. and shouldn't ignore this.
shoudl speak up. after all no one speak for your rights if you not speak.
after all.
who care about us?
we just dying subject of exploit and miserable otani fans?
that is all?
do not feel pressure about speak up.
many people also exist who want to fight against to evil.
not everyone is living for crime.
do not feel you are wrong because there is organized labeling groups employees deployed by japan for war purpose propaganda.
that is not represent reality.
they are hired clowns. employees who work for japanees.
they talk whatever positive to japan. and that is their job.
those people exist. just nothing stimulation addictive but encourage violence. and get earn profit from that.
those otani fans.
but not everyone is dying for japanese and work for japanese.
people have common sense.
many people have kindness.
do not fool by those japanese value that killing people and rape children.
but should accuse them.
world is maybe feel like completely different place than we knew.
and yes. but we actually knew it. world is cruel.
world is cruel!! world is unfair!! that is world!
and just see what now happening?
that is vaccine.
exactly that.
money is everything!!
so we experience that vaccine pandemic genocide because of that.
because when everyothers think same thing.
not only you think like that. but when everyone think like that.
they compromise.
and that happened.
people did fraud scam to each others all at once and at same time.
that was what vaccine happening. that happened.
i can't believe this shit. in humanity history. that thing happened.