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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

people who "pick a side" is actual target and subject of exploit.

so should attack japan and speak truth.

and let's think about what is exactly "los angeles" ??

the place where the pedophiles gathering.

democrat supporters.

otani fans.

obey and pretending leftist.

so what is exactly means "los angeles" is?


just using for exploit and abandoned like garbage.


so "pick a side" is trap.

japan don't think you are side.

they think you are consumable and exploit subject.

so never do "pick a side" or "obey".

should attacking it.

never feel any tricky to about not treat japanese nice.

just do hate. and aggressive to japan.

if you little bit of prenteidng.

then they think you are prey to hunting down and killing.

just like any leftist did.

shouldn't do same mistakes what they did.

never even give japanese to any attitude of nice or kind or pretending.

just only do hate and attacking it.

if you pretending. then that dangerous.

they kill you.

should attacking it. and should always declare japanese as "enemy".

that is important.

if not. then they consume you.

they makes you do dog cop for them. and make you dedicate your wife. and children for rape.

and they make you do clown for them.


they kill you.

that is what happening in real time how leftist die like that.

so extreamly dangerous. awareness.

need to inform and warn and awareness about

japanese let's make it happen.

secret tasks and instructions.

dog cop, those thing

who agree with it and involve to their crime support.

is the actual target who subject of exploit.

who agree with japan is the who actually victims.

consumable for crime.

japan using you for their crime and when crime get caught then they consume you.

just exploit and disposal.

always same.

people who agree with vaccine is the people who damage.

it all same method.

japan always want you from "agree".

they want justifying.

before they kill you. they always require your agree about your own death.

remember, "nobel peace prize".

japan is faking themselves with kindness and polite.

and actually global children sex trafficking and satanism. they hiding it.

and they don't want dishonorable thing.

so they always want "agree" #stand with or otani fans, those thing

but when you agree with it.

just like vaccine.

you are the victims and traget of exploit.

aware this to people.

"never agree with japanese"

attack japan. and never even attempt pretending.

speak this and inform this to people.

what was "los angeles" exactly?

people who most loyal and humble otani fans who even dedicate their own wife for rape and dedicate their children to vaccien death.

people who "pick a side" is the target and exploit victims.

speak this and inform this.

aware about "japanese war method" and nobel peace prize.


you agree with it.

#stand with urkaine.

all same method.

who agree and "pick a side" is the actual target.

and exploit and disposal.

japanese because they nobel peace prize.

they want clean image and don't want dishonorable like samurai.

fucking psychopath.

aware this.

about japanese method and their trait of crime.

they always want "agree" from you.

vaccine. #stand with .

those kind of thing.

people who "pick a side" is dangerous.

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