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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

political discussion.

leftist don't need to obey to trump. do not feel pressure.

do not obey to anyone anymore. should do democracy by the people.

people think they should obey to it. so feel uncomfortable about this.

if make trump stop support ukraine war. and not drag US into that war.

and make border safe and stopping illegal migrant and taco eating mexicans and drug cartels.

for make america safe.

that should do.

but that is not a obey. you make him do this.

but what is obey is?

when trump mandate something or forcing something or trying to sell bit coin.

but if you acting like #stand with trump and #stand with bit coin.

then that is obey.

what was leftist issue when joe biden doing mandate forcing and selling fruad scam.

leftist just did obey.

but about trump.

also you shouldn't obey.

do not just agree to whatever thing.

and talk about what people need.

and disagree to something else.

check about this.

what you wanted? actually?

if from leftist

LGBTQ+ gay rights BLM and diversity equality seems kind of nice.

and somehow vaccine.

there is imposters.

so also in republicans.

conseravative, nationalism , border safe, christianity, seems nice.

and bit coin.

there is "something else"


should notice it.

and by the way.

LGBTQ+ is satanist AGENDA. for rape boy. and make them into tranny.

and depopulation. becaue they not reproduce.

make people gay. on context of for reducing population.

and BLM is civil war plan. for make people get used to rioting and violence.

and defund police and make police power and authority weak.

then people more forward into violence and crime.

and when "chaos" happen. the hyenas. that is scenario.

they know how people will act.

and gun control + gang assult.

should see this in same context.

disarm civilan. -> global event of chaos -> riot and gang -> expecting reducing.

and also those riot or gang will wipe out by military with legally.

another reducing.


so just get off from leftist politics. that is AGENDA.

and when talk about politics we must see what is AGENDA opponent trying to hiding.

trump also have revealed one of his AGENDA. bit coin.

when jd vance picked vice president. we confrimed what is his AGENDA opponent have.

that is means risk and danger that opponent have.

in relationship.

so should aware it. for not damage.

because we already went throught that creepy joe biden tragedy.

we can be careful about our selves. also into trump.

and so in political way.

bring down democrats. make trump doing it. make trump do his job he should have to do.

we should speak this.

and when trump trying to do antoher thing.

then of coursely should disagree.

because we know what joe biden did.

when people didn't disagree. that go into tragedy.

so we should always remember this.

we already know what was joe biden tragedy.

right after we went through that creepy genocide crime.

how we can just completely give trump to trust??

of coursely not.

so we are smart and vigilent.

that is nothing is wrong. no one's blame and fault.

we can doubt about trump. and can disagree.


people died. children died.

by joe biden.

right after went throught that shit??

how we can also trust trump??

that is just natrually. becuase focus is not a democrats vs republicans.

what about us???

what about people. not a politics .

i mean. we dying. people died.

that is what should talk about. focus.

"main focus is our selves."

my profit. my safety. that what i talking about.

not trump profit. that is trump profit. not my profit.

no. it is different with each others.

what about just "people". side.

because we die.

people who common employees and small peagant fucking die.

that is problem.

not matter of trump should get earn profit with bit coin or not.

what we should care is. just our own safety and own profit.

from those AGENDA threat.

so don't need to feel that, feel like i trying to make social distance with trump.


feel like little bit doubt. and can't trust. and make border in between.

but that is because just simply naturally we should do that.

that blame is joe biden.

because right after joe biden did that tragedy.

so we can be careful.

but don't need to feel that is meaning of "refuse".

what i think is. trump should bring justice, and arrest joe biden democrats, and ban out japanese interference, and make border safe, and make america safe, and stop support ukraine, and ban out LGBTQ+ and conservative for americans.

i can ask that from trump.

that is what i ask and demand.

i can do that. for just democracy.

and also disagree to bit coin is not wrong.

i must can able to do that.

because that was exact problem of leftist tragedy.

joe biden did mandate and forcing and talk differently with truth.

but leftist did agreed. and that ruined america and damaged america

and that killed civilian and children and baby.

that ruined democracy.

so there is nothing wrong about,

speak up what we want.

and disagree to what we don't want.

= democracy.

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