it is very easy to know. and very similar to what nowadays .
#stand with ukraine.

it is even very familar now.
we know same thing was happened. ukraine money aid.

as i said. gun control purpose.
democrats hidden agenda. for prepare second pandemic chaos
and gang assult raid and society collapse.
then you can't protect yourself.

famous japanese word joke method is also same discovered.
that joke is all real. not a just joke. japanese actually using those method in their crime.
we know this very familar and same method.

crisis actor.

so they make ukraine propaganda and get earn money aid.
#stand with ukraine.
main stream media news do promoting and commercial for this.
because people send money like sandy hook.
sandy hoax.
and actors.
and sandy fuckers.
gea se ki people.
alex jones didn't wrong.
alex jones himself can you believe you didn't wrong?
you didn't wrong.
i don't even know why that become problem in nowadays?
just as usual we know.
something fake. and something satanist stuff.
and crisis actor.
alex jones was describe about "crisis actor" that you guys actually using.
that ukraine also using those actor.
seek about ukraine crisis actor. there will be people who doing acting will be there. that can explain sandy hook too.
trying to make ukraine war is much more dramatically cruel and brutal.
it is brutal of coursely. because people died by zelensky.
but for propaganda purpose. ukraine also used those crisis actor for promoting for main stream media news.
almost just commercial and advertisement level of.
so after that. people #stand with ukraine and did money robbery.
sandy hook seems also did same strategy with ukraine.
many money is robbed with zelensky style of robbery method.
and sandy hook zelensky incident.
maybe they did experimental on this. and apply it to ukraine.
when we went through all that covid fucking scam.
and vaccine genocide.
and all that lying japanese let's make it happen.
then we look aback again also including those past incident.
it nothing even new or surprise.
covid 19 and #stand with ukraine and sandy hook. same thing.
#sandy hook money robbery.