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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

situation briefing 2024 9 22

최종 수정일: 9월 22일

Elon Musk backs down in his fight with Brazilian judges to restore X

-> so brazil wins? and then earthquake in argentina.

Magnitude 6 earthquake strikes San Luis, Argentina region - EMSC

it is japan occuring this for their fun crime.

quad summit talk about north korea nuclear threat.

A new interactive White House exhibit located a block away from the actual Executive Mansion is now open to the public, per a release.

they just don't even hiding it that treason crime and joe biden is actor and white house is just fake.

mocking intention.

Kishida to meet with Zelensky during his final trip to U.S. as Japan's PM

Kishida, Biden hail stronger Japan-U.S. ties in farewell meeting

they planning genocide war pandemic and every crime.

Mexico president blames US for increased drug cartel violence

japan keep shitting around and then rest of minions shitting around and trying to loudly talking and chatty.

now criminals raise their voice??? and blame justice.

Israel raids and shuts down Al Jazeera’s bureau in Ramallah in the West Bank

japan-israel raid.

now even just insane israel military literally raid on media news. what they fear about? it is insane tyranny and oppression against to humanity.

not only just journalist die in ukraine hotel.

now they literally using army for shut down broadcast.

it is war against to journalism and media news itself.

and of coursely every main stream media news employees will keep obey to japan.

Biden tells Quad leaders that Beijing is testing region at turbulent moment for Chinese economy

japan want threatning china and drag into war.

war is keep expansion. in mideast, asia, entire europe death.

The US is to soon approve a US$567 million security aid package to Taiwan, the largest such package ever, Defense News reported yesterday.

japan dominated pentagon is just sending another money for #stand with taiwan bullshit.

why US should spend money for taiwan?? just another money laundry.

President Biden plans to sign new executive actions aimed at reducing gun violence.

it is murder every americans. and military will kill all of you.

and also unofficial japanese army of illegal migrant and gangsters.

pentagon and japanse army of venezueal gang haiti gang mexico gang brazil gang.

is not your side.

it is enemy.

enemy is in white house and congress and pentagon.

with together with illegal gangsters and psychopath and pedophiles criminals.

and brainwashed leftist army.

it killing humanity.

should fight back.

those are the enemy. and should arm yourself.

allow yourself with using gun and shoot enemy to kill.

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