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speak and talk is important.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

so. we are in the phase of preparing phase.

that illuminati long term take over planet plan.

why there is first pandemic and second pandemic they planned like that?

because. it is still we are in preparing sequence of their final attempt.

so. they researching data about how many people will participate in murder rape activities, and how america will damage about this.

even if you wrote on online about you agree with japanese. then fuckers collect that data from you. and they monitoring it and trying to expecting how can much damage america for destroying it.

so. that is important. even if you talk to people or wrote post on SNS. you must becareful.

they researching those data for preparing attack.

they didn't even started. about their final attempt of attack.

it is still we are in preparing phase of their plan.

and of coursely shouldn't give them to data that expectation of their chance to win.

that is why should appealing your disagree about vaccine or those let's make it happen trend. that is not a trend.

that is research for statics for military purpose of attack.

should becareful that and aware that danger.

not a trend. but intended research purpose and experimental trying to check about people reaction and expectation.

so there is second pandemic budget is already passed. and we should stop it.

should talk about it. and do not give them to expectation.

feel like you ready for rape children when only circumstance allow it.

you acting like that. can you understand?

feel like. oh~ let's make it happen~~ and make ties~~ bukcle up~~ japan is nobel peace prize~~~ oh~~~

all your those reaction become data and expectation.

so don't do that. don't acting like that. it's okay to not do that. and shouldn't.

that you provide to them expectation of you will rape children you ready for it. you appealing it to them.

then those are all become "data" for they researching it and analize it for their attack sequence.

so even if you talk or your SNS that all tracking by enemy and so should care about those.

so it is up to "otani fans" means. damage and casualties how america will damage.

if think about there is too many otani fans. in majority of numbers. then that means. maybe american can recover from damage.

and gun control. also affect a lot.

even if massive chaos happens. but if they can't expecting damage and casualties they expected.

should appealing it as much we can.

well informed. and not get vaccinated. not agree with violenceful trend. and keep your gun nicely. well.

and appealing. i know what is going on. pandemic was intended. and vaccine was bio weapons.

and democrats tried gun control. trying to take from us.

and japan did using trend and psy op for make people violenceful for kill each others. and rape chlidren.

and intended open border crisis.

should talk about you know this. you know this is happening now.

you didn't fooled. i know what is going on.

and im informed well. and i know. like that.

democrats. have serious responsiblity about nowadays why america is like this shit.

and leftist is. you can appealing yourself. it is because them.

not trying to cover up their crime with them.

you should appealing. you fooled by bad democrats.

should say it.

shouldn't be same with them. they did lying. and they did ruined america with false politics.

they have responsibility. but leftist must appealing yourself is just victims about democrats false politics.

that they are the bad guy. but you are not.

and don't need to trying to cover up their crime.

you must blame it. it is not your side. they are not.

you are damaged by false politics. that democrats did lying to you.

it is all their fault. and japanese fault and tessa violet fault.

they are bad guys. liars.

false belief. false politics.

and crime.!!!

so just think with out pressure.

just take nice thing.

if you want talk about gay rights. or political correctness. and equality.

those are nice.

but let's we make clear. about crime, that democrats did.

about children rape.

and should criticize about their politics little bit,

for example. why they intentionally occuring border crisis.

or gun control also have many issue to about discuss.

and LGBTQ+ is, talk about gay rights for underprivliged people. is could be nice.

but... we are in context of "reducing population" context.

so bad democrats using gay people. bad democrats. through using gay people for bad purpose for trying to reducing population.

that is the bad!!! right there!! specifically. if we say very specifically!!

bad democrats. fuckers. using gay people!!! for political purpose. for money purpose. that is bad right there.

they using. gay people. for their reducing population purpose.

so let's becareful it's hidden intention. because we inform ourselves well!!.

so blame about you should blame. it's okay.

democrats is bad. they have dirty hidden purpose of behind of LGBTQ+.

or gun control. or open border. illegal migration.

intentionally with hidden purpose.

so we blame about "that" hidden purpose.

but of coursely. we can keep. nice thing.

omg~ we gives a shit to gay rights!!! if you want.

personally i don't agree with you. but that is no problem. im not say talk about gay rights is bad as like pedophiles.


there is little bit issue is there... so need to talk.

that issue. hidden problems in there.

and regardless i personally don't agree with your gay rights shit or not.

that is my rights. okay?

that is political freedom that i have.

but let's blame about we can blame.

that is point.

not there is. omg! how dare you opposite against to joe biden??! then you are also attacking gay people too!!


it is not. different. they are different issue we talking.

so. just let's be logical and common sense.

so blame. if there is you should blame. then should blame.

but. because we trying to understand thing with "stance" problem.


political stance. is bothering people. a lot.

should get off from that stance. but talk freely anything you want.

regardless stance. or labeling each others.

but should free speech. and not keep trapped in stance.

becuase "stance" is feel like normalize every context all at once.

that is why people trying to accept blame joe biden is blame also LGBTQ+.??

no it is not.

it is different context. what joe biden crime. and LGBTQ+ is.

so don't need to think it is same context.

but that "stance" is. feel like.

whatever is same thing.

if you vote to joe biden then automatically you should support gay people and also agree with whatever shit,

if you once agree with joe biden, then you should agree with vaccine, or also agree with #stand with ukraine also agree with LGBTQ+ and also agree with open border crisis.

that is weird.

that "stance" is make people can't get off from it.

if joe biden have crime. then should blame it. regardless LGBTQ+.

nothing is about joe biden. just blame it.

blame what about should blame. and let's keep nice thing in nice.

but "stance" is... pls just get off from that "stance" shit.


i think that is bothering people a lot. that ... "stance". political stance...?


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situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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