agree with leftist japan is just criminals.
lack of smart.
something just people who living life like cheap retarded.
criminals. you know.
those people who failure of life and something garbage.
cheap and childish because not that learn or study anything.
not that smart and just douche level of inteligence but intimidate.
that is all.
it not that difficult.
just something shut off and don't need to.
something don't need and exclude of coursely.
psychopath cheap fucking retarded.
don't even gives a shit.
fucking shame.
you know what?
what is most comedy is those psychopath are somehow extreamly stupid and retarded and cheap.
fucking of course.
just shut off.
and they feel hurting when they can't arrogant.
let's destroy their one last nano paricle of pride that only thing remain about their life.
it cruel. but for protecting our life and children life.
we should have to.
exclude them and don't even gives a shit.
attack them and just speak truth.
that, shame and taint.
you know.
bullshit retared joke and fucking killing people and children.
and just repeat only same lying that cheap and fucking byung sin.
but that is only thing that they should have to struggle for.
then just saying wow.
or just sending them to awkard silence for a while.
they know.
that shame and taint.
so they get mad at themselves. because they think for themselves it shame so they want to kill them actually.
and that suicidal impulse externalize to others.
that is what criminals are.
how criminals being byung sin debunked their existence.
just fucking cheap byung sin of douche bunch of.
fuicking shitty retardeds.
just fucking shut off.
maybe they kill them selves crying like bitch while no one see them alone in somewhere nobody can't find them.
and they will kill them selves.
i hope you die like that.
only fucking last struggle that when they feel fucking sad.
that they don't want show them to anyone that miserable
so must hiding somewhere alone and crying like bitch and kill yourself.
that is your last.
i guess.
only thing we need.
when everytime japanese tessa violet shitting around with their crime.
fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog~~ yeaah~~ oh~~ hotel~~ wild~~ wild fire~~ it is hot~~~ oh yeaah~~~ missing!! kidnapping!! stabbing!!!!~~~~!!!!
just say this one sentence.
"go somewhere else and do that shit yourself alone".
just say it.
not everytime confusing yourself and trying to effort for thing getting worse.
only one word you can courage.
"hey. shut the fuck up and do that shit yourself alone. "
just say it.
not trying to allowing their crime purposely.
not a saying "let's make it happen". and encourage their crime.
speak truth and attack japan tessa violet.
leftist desperately believe japanese lying.
they control like puppet.
because they did all that crime killed people and children.
they did involved. literally.
they killed all of people and children and baby.
then they just literally can't do anything and should obey to japan.
unfortuately they are just failed people.
completely destroyed by japanese psy op.
maybe never recover from it.
should throw away all of them leave behind.
they are already failed. actually have no difference with death.
maybe much more worse.
as i said. even after they getting old and shit their pants.
they will keep gibberish "i agree with you japan" while they staring air.
they will die like that.
i know. that your pussy pride is very important and very extreamly senstive as like much as pussy.
i know. i respect you about that pussy.
so i gives you #stand with you~~~~~~~~
now you will never hurt your feelings~~ no one will can hurting your feelings sensitive pussy pride of yours~~~
that tough guy image that you must keep~~ no one know why but that you should do~~~ when no ones actually gives a shit~~~
but because... it is important more than anything ever than any pussy for you.
so are you happy now???? now you feel like be respected and not offeneded~~~!!!!
and not worry about your safety concern that possibly head cut off by japanese~~ anymore~~~
no more worries~~~~~~ how nice~~~~~~~~
vaccinate!! vaccinate! make apointment!!!
pls hurry ~ come on vaccine~~ i got nothing~
#stand with ukraine~~~~~~~
otani wins~~~~~~~~~~~!!! wild hot sex~~~~!!!!
i think that is most lowest level of human being. that pointless.
"dog cop."
definition. : people who doing secret tasks according to trying to get chance for incentive and rape children and fame and success like game of the year awards and reward. and support japanese keep rape children missing kidnapping. and get earn profit reward for it.
example. : for they great cause of doing playing detective, in their imaginary delusion. they set imaginary villain. and for bait it. for trying to figure out evidence and detecting false allegation, they do secret dog cop agents tasks with proudly. and word joke interpretation. and actually they occuring every crime and sabotage attack. and create "vibes" in between people it looks like trend. for faking people.
the types of secret tasks :
"you must naked in front of people"
"you must post your childhood picture for bait pedophiles"
"you must say specific word in your sentence".
victims occuring mental issue:
victims think they doing secret dog cop agents for fight against to imaginary villain. when while japanese is the satanist and illuminati.
and japanese exploit thoes dog cop agents for make their own profit.
victims occuring mental issue about can't accept this reality and serious mental disorder from those abusing.
for not blame themselves and for not feel shame about what they did.
they trying to keep forcing forward about their miserable role of dog cop.
for not feel shame and guilt from their forced behave by japan intimidate.
when people have symptoms of "dog cop" behave :
immedietly say every direct truth. and make them can't pretend.
"are you doing dog cop?? is that why you trying to appealing specific word according to your secret tasks from japanese??"
"why you doing dog cop?? i know what you doing is secret tasks for dog cop"