so demon possessed girl.
children acting violencefully extreamly. by abusing and rape.
then peeing in front of people. trying to ask help and trying to get attention. then children behave like that.
then their parents cover up it like
oh~~~ my children is demon possesed~~ that is why acting like that~~ don't care about it~~
then priests visit chlidren and rape it and parents get earn money from it just like many otani fans do that buisness.
screaming festival~~!!! let's make it happen~~ make ties~~~
it is suspious~~~!!!
like that.
same buisness. in nowadays.
just like omen and exorcism.
typical horror story. about crime case.
and people not trying to understanding it as crime case.
they don't even trying to believe it.
just ignore it.
and believe whatever shit criminals talk to them.
never trying to facing to dark ugly crime it is happening.
there is weakness and fragile mind of people that never trying to admit ugly dark truth.
but then crime is can't be solve.
should speak up.
there is crime. and that crime is makes us fear.
we don't want even talk about it.
omg... it possibly can't be... maybe it is not....
just see the crime. itself. directly.
crime right there!!!!
what? girl is demon possesed???? seems it is about raped victims???
what??? children have 666 marks then israel suggest to stabbing it with dagger??? who believe that shit??
it seems suspect is obvious??
why not say like that?
right there!!!! right fucking there!! it is crime case!!! crime is happened!!
crime is there!! suspect is there!!!
omg!! suspect did intimidate!!! right there!!
100% truth.
honest mind.
that never gives a shit. fear. or intimidate. or worry. or whatever.
i don't have that shit.
i don't give a shit.
right there!!!
oh!!! shit!!! right there!!!
vaccine?... is it? safe? im sure about this!!!
it is bio weapons!!! i sure about this!! 100% fucking crime !!!
murder vaccine!!! i know it!! right there!!!
right fucking there!! guys look at this vaccine!! it is bio weapons!!!
just say it.
be honest.
is it vaccine?.. is really safe??..
is it demon possesed girl??
is it UFO??... really? aliens come from another galaxy??.. is it UFO??
is it demon possesed girl?? but not a raped victims???
is it UFO??? really??
is it vaccine is safe??? i don't know.. im confusing!!
is joe biden is treason???
is japan tessa violet is satanist who make it happen form themselves???
im confusing!! i can't know what is truth~~~!! ueee~~
#stand with ukraine~~ yeaaah~~~
weakness. weak. naive. weak. pretending. fearful yet greedy.
should get off from there. and be honest.
so. let's talk about leftist hypocrisy.
check about this.
did you hear that? there is girl is demon possesed.
what really? is that children is abused? or raped?
what? how you can say that thing?? im offended!!! how can you say like that way???
then what.
is that children abused or raped?
if not. then what can else possibly presume about children's violenceful behavior?
it is demon possessed poor children!! how you can say that offensive thing?
what demons?
what are you talking about?
if your children occuring weird violenceful behave then you not check about your chlidren abused or raped by someone???
that is first. not doubt about demons.
should doubt about abusing or violence or sexual assult.
why not care about chlidren first?
children occurs extreamly violenceful behave??
then what demons???
what you talk about?
omg but ... talk about crime like children rape is offensive!!!
should accuse it. and blame it. not a cover up it and defending it and slightly trying to ignore it..?
it is serious.
omg how you can say that??? im offended!! my feelings is hurted!!!
what the fuck are you???
then not check about children is abused or raped or sexual harrsment was there or not?
then just never ask anything and just cover up this???
when children acting like that???
what the fuck are you?
so. same like.
hey, joe biden is treason.
what???? how you can say that??????? im offended!! my feelings is hurted!!!!
what the fuck are you talking about????
joe biden is treason!! and pedophiles!!!!
omg!! how you can say that negative thing and negative though?!! im offended??
are you fucking satanist????
you trying to cover up that shit???
but let me tell you.
when there is issue.
what leftist smell buisness first immedietly with their instinct.
they cover up crime becuae they know there is murder and rape and money is right there.
almost it is their instinct.
but in common sense.
people worry and concern about chlidren first.
that is what leftist is.