i want to say.
crime happened.
then it is between criminals and victims issue.
feel like me forgive tessa violet or japanese??
what you talk about??
nothing is about me.
stop that fucking fictional delusional shit.
me forgive japanese or tessa violet??
me forgive them or not. nothing is about me!!!!!
and i don't. of coursely. maybe that have no meaning.
me forgive them or not?
if i coulud. then i already killed them. how many time i said?
nothing is about me.
that have no point??
i don't. and nothing is me.
it is matter of between criminal japan and tessa violet and dead people and dead children by them.
nothing is about me.
it issue and matter between criminals and dead victims.
and me is just person who accuse crime of coursely.
trying to stop them. of coursely. anyone can do that and nothing is special.
no. crime happened and i accuse this.
and me is who disagree to criminals and
otani fans are people who agree and encourage and support and involve to their crime.
that is all.
and between criminal psychopath killer japanese and tessa violet.
and victims who murdered by them. and dead children. and raped children.
in between tessa violet murderer and people who lost their lives.
that issue.
what is others?
just people who talk about issue.
omg it shouldn't happen!! let's make it not happen. it is crime!!!
normally in basis on common sense.
and who is same criminals? otani fans.
those who "make it happen". about crime.
about cruel ugly crime. stabbing people. and rape children. and get shot. cooked. or buckled. and screaming children. wild hot sex.
those people.
and in between. issue. matter of between tessa violet and dead children that tessa violet killed and raped.
that is issue.
and i accuse that crime.
i disagree with "let's make it happen" criminals war sabotage attack that kills people.
i don't want people die. in common sense. basis on law and logic and common sense.
i disagree with japanese and tessa violet crime war activities.
and what is matter?
nothing is about me.
i didn't anything.
i opposite against to criminals opinions which is mocking victims death and trying to "make it happen".
for stopping more casulties.
matter. where is focus ?
me and japanese and tessa violet?
there is no such a thing like me vs japan tessa violet.
they did crime. and i accuse criminals.
and what is matter?
where is matter belong to?
that should belong to between japan tessa violet murderer and dead people and dead chlidren. between them.
issue about between criminals and victims.
im just person who accuse crime basis on according to very naturally common sense.
let's make it "not" happen. i speak that. i disagree with japanese murder tessa violet murder that attacking people.
i accuse their crime. becaues there was crime happened.
it is happened. and me. talk about opposite against to it.
i disagree with their crime.
and i support victims and damaged people.
with my opinions.
nothing is about me.
there is no me vs japan tessa violet kind of thing.
crime happened.
and i accuse it. that is normally of course thing.
anyone can do that.
but people didn't.
that is all.
you can blame it. and you can accuse it.
not me is special. nothing is special.
when crime happened. people didn't even accuse or blame it.
and i just did what basis on common sense.
"omg crime happened. i disagree with this."
that is all what i talking about.
and there is no thing.
crime is happened. then anyone can blame it.
that is all.
feel like what tessa violet lying about?
what japanese lying?
do not believe criminals fiction and lying. just simply.
not exist.
im not fucking something nothing about.
just criminals did crime. and i accuse it.
and japan tessa violet did made up all kind of false story which is don't even exist at all.
i don't even know.
what they talk about.
i said. so i said.
japan tessa violet lying.
they lying. they lying whatever for cover up their crime and labeling others for intimidate.
that is all.
every japan tessa violet fiction don't even exist.
and they delusional and mentally illed satanist people.
which is cult people. who believe delusion satanic religion.
demons is their god what they believe.
just delusional criminal people and mentally insane psychopath.
always saying.
so what is situation is.
japan and tessa violet did crime.
and i accused that. of coursely. that is of coursely.
then. japan tessa violet did labeling and frame and false allegation and fictional blame to me.
and nothing is about me.
i don't care. i just speak truth and invesigate and detecting and tracking truth.
and talk my opinions. disagree with crime.
and that is all.
but all kind of delusional belief and pretending made up fictional weird imaginary story.
and that is no one's concern. that don't even exist.
crime happened. and this issue is between criminals japan tessa violet and dead people and dead children by them.
should talk about those "issue".
issue. means what was happened?
japan tessa violet did crime and people died.
and what are we? me or you. people.
we should accuse and blame that crime.
of coursely.
in basis on common sense.
not a supporting and invovle to that crime.
should accuse that crime when it happened.
in common sense. people.
do not pretending anymore and naturally speak up about reality.
not trying to cover up with pretending and delusional expectation.
basis on logic and reality of common sense.
crime happened.
people died.
focus on reality.
not trying to fictionally imaginary behave and think.
approach to this issue with basis on commo sense. that very naturally should have to.
people keep trapped in something weird delusion.
people listen.
stop fucking that false allegation.
if i can occuring earthquake on japan. then already did.
and if i can occuring some accident or killing?
then tessa violet already dead and killed every otani fans.
stop fucking delusional bullshit that "labeling" that you want to.
stop fucking imaginary hate about me.
fucking how many time saying same fucking shit over again???
hey. "im not".
then fucking shut the fuck up and accept it.
when i saying. then fucking don't effort for denying me.
effort for listen to me.
and effort for not listening japanese tessa violet psy op lying.
do that shit.
if i can make it happen. then i really i'd like to.
why not?
even i just directly said.
hey mary poppins do some kill japanese.
occuring earthquake with your magic power!!
i really want to kill every japanese.
i want kill every otani fans.
i will. i will gladly kill them.
of coursely.
but then what?
that is all.
but i effort for that. speak truth people.
blame criminals.
let's kill japanese and tessa violet and otani fans.
fight back.
not just die murder rape by them. and not doing dog cop like fucking idiot.
attack them.
attack criminals. not compromise to them.
speak up.
i don't know.
i tracking truth and know many plan they trying to do.
becaue i doing effort fucking hard more than you.
when i investigate them over 4 years.
while i do that shit alone.
what you guys did??
but encourage fucking crime and believe satanist lying and desperately pretenidng.
that is why fucking you guys know nothing and keep acting retarded and fool by criminals over again with same lying.
do some fucking effort and investigation with your self.
not trying to just agree with #stand with whatever shit media news and pedophile celebrities talk about.
just tracking truth with your self.
joe biden treason.
japanese let's make it happen.
zelensky money laundry.
netanyahu israel 3rd temple lying war they believe.
mrna vaccine.
gene edit.
gene theraphy.
UFO invasion.
aliens. monsters. zombies.
mrna vaccine gene edit tech.
psy op. and scenario.
world war 3 plan.
what is world war 3 plan?
ukraine that targetting drag every european into war for kill european purposely that becaue zelensky want to kill them.
and israel 3rd temple divine war crime that built temple with blood of innocent people and dead children then feel like jesus return becaue they killed children.
and japanese keep shitting around with north korea missile becaue they want to occuring it.
and wild fire that los angeles burn down for rebuild into smart city and kill people becaue don't want conflict.
and tessa violet wild hot sex children trafficking. that hilarry clinton 2.0.
currently in charge. instead of already over democrats criminals.
and epstein list still even solved yet.
and many otheres.
NASA talk about pole shift. of coursely lying.
and solar flash. bit coin.
bit coin.
= neural link. human brain interface.
crypto mining is possible through using human brain.
you are exploit crypto mining factory for bit coin what you counting on.
your brain exploit for your profit with yourself.
just like idiot.
and more weird shit, monsters. or demons. or aliens.
presume as genetic modified army i guess secretly. but that can make blame issue.
blame aliens. means not blame japanese boy rape.
another guy strategy. instead of japan.
crime is there. but there is no suspect.
and when suspect get clear. then UFO appear or monster appear.
then feel like we not blame about "boy rape".
monsters or aliens or zombies. never appear. when there is "boy rape" allegation is get caught.
feel like they have inteligence?? so much know it well. so cover up all that "boy rape"!!! with good timing?
of coursely not. shit.
fucking scumbags.
"boy rape!!!" must accuse it. no aliens. no zombies. no monsters.
no UFO.
and meteor strikes?
of coursely not.
and some artic crisis of cold?
as always as usual we know it very well.
that "happens". by japan and tessa violet.
speak this.
"not-knowing" this is weird.
why never know? and why never even trying to know it?
but #stand with ukraine and vaccine dance and sing and pretending.
that is all about what you guys doing.
when situation is fucking serious.
if you want blame then blame about actual reality.
pandemic budget passed. and vaccine is still medicine in official.
then talk about that issue.
what i saying is everything is naturally of course thing. that anyone can speak and know.
but fuckers want murder and rape and surprise stimulation.
so you not care anything and trying to rape boy.
stop that shit i know what you trying to doing.
everyone know.
stop that intentionally trying to occuring rape children becaues you purposely intentionally do.
stop that shit.
and speak and blame japan tessa violet. not support them.
blame it.
accuse it.
not a encourage them. speak up.
whatever is japan tessa violet and nothing is me.
im doing investigation and tracking truth for myself and resistence activities.
stop labeling and imaginary frame and hate that useless.
attack japan tessa violet. simply.
when you lying. seems have no problem.
but when "they" lying.
journalist. media news. congress. CDC FDA. govermetn officials. military soldiers. doctors. CEO. any company. celebriteis. famous.
that was why people vaccinated. at first place.
and should stop that insanity.
it is not feel like only you can lying. only you can violence. only you can crime.
they are same. they think same thing.
then fucking doctors gives you vaccine because same reason.
wanting to comproimse. wanting to avoid conflict.
wanting to get earn money.
then also media news lying. politicians lying. goverment lying.
military lying.
then we all die together.
people kill each others.
should speak up.
talk about reality.
when crime happen. when there is wrong.
there was joe biden treason and vaccine mandate.
but it was feel tricky. they says.
should say it.
right there!!!
that is really sad thing. that when that moment couldn't stop people.
so should speak up.
it getting worse and worse.
should speak up.
really seriously.
no more tricky.
not feel tricky.
can talk about it.
naturally. of coursely. rightfully. with pride.
with courage.
naturally. just feel like talk about daily life.
just another day of let's make it happen kills by japan. isn't it?
and you guys should go for wild hot sex party? isn't it?
boy is stabbed and death cruelly. then what you guys should do ?
wild hot sex party as usual you do.
right? anything wrong?
what is tricky to talk about. when it is trend.
crime is trend in nowadays.
people kill others intentionally and rape because they want to.
then labeling it. frame it. because word is same.
actually nothing is about. but just forcing it and expecting people will shut the fuck up because don't want stabbing.
then fuckers shitting around way of they want.
but plne crash. and trump take life threatning.
assassination attempt was sevral times there.
and compromised.
and military soldier was get killed but they not responde anything.
and didn't talk truth.
and pandemic budget passed.
and still joe biden treason didn't arrested. zelensky netanyahu.
japanese war crime didn't declraed.
media news keep talk about scenario they want to.
and word joke. death toll rise up.
and wild hot sex party when people die and children raped and shoted stabbed.
but people confusing and never know situation and don't even trying to seek truth and don't even effort for knowing truth.
but just complaining.
and waiting own slaughter.
and don't even talking.
that situation. i explain it.
about situation right there.
then what?
what is another opinions you have then?
come on hurry pls vaccine~ i got nothing~~
trying to say that?