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what is mean "pick a side"???

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

people should speak truth.

after all.

do not pick a side.

becaues they are not your side.

if you go to guantanamo.

which one you want to pick a side???





no one is your side. but that is same even if it is not in prison.

already. just see how democrats did BLM but disposal diddy first.

that is what criminals is. just scumbags.

what "pick a side"?????

do you believe they think you are the fucking "side"???


they don't care.

they are not your side.

after all.

just see the how those ugly democrats they talk about black lives matter.

but those criminals are disposal blacks easliy.

after all.

so if you go to prison.

then you think you can make side??

to a blacks? or to a mexicans?

of coursely not.

it same.

you think zelensky gives a shit about US debt?

or japanese care about you?

they just kidnapping children and rape it.

and that is all

no one is your side.

people. awake!!!

what fucking side? otani wis and shogun dominate??

they are not your side.

those are foreigners.

just who that you don't need to gives a shit.

becuase they don't gives a shit to you.

feel like US in debt.

then nobel peace prize japanese gives a shit to you?

what they talk about is US is genocide murderer enemy that should kill.

they think you are enemy to kill.

that is what japanese is.

and mexicans???

who believe fucking mexicans????

israel and ukraine???

zelensky who george soros's son.???

stop weird obeying and pick a side.

they are criminals.

criminals do not make side.

there is no side.

if you are not one of them.

then there is no side.

in those crime world.

that is why diddy is cut offed first in officially.

while there is every ugly jew japanese white mexican venezuela is there.

but that is what crime structure.

criminals are just criminals.

why fucking pick a side???

they are criminals.

they not make side.

every each of criminals is same.

and even satanist???

satanist kill every others.

and they are not a side.

regardless you pick a side or not.

if it is black gangster.

if you are not a black? then you are nothing.

if it is mexico drug cartels?? they disposal blacks.

after all.

and satanist?

they kill all of you.

and what fucking otani wins and shogun domination?

when opponent think US is nuclear genocide murderer but they are the victims?

they talk about americans is bad villain that should kill.

that is what nobel peace prize is.

who did that nuclear???

you americans.

and what japan talking about?

you guys are enemy to kill.

and when leftist you agree with it.

they can justifying their violence.

they rape your children according to your admit nobel peace prize.

becaues japan is victim but feel like US is nuclear genocide murderer.

do not agree with japan.

they always faking something and hiding dangerous intention.

never trust japanese.

and when US in debt or death.

do you think zelensky gives a shit to you??

#stand with ukraine.

and you die with second pandemic and japanese UFO nuclear attack that revenge for little boy 1945

they still think amercians is murderer.

since 1945 . how creepy is that.

nobel peace prize for "survivors" fucking 100 years ago.

they still think americans is "enemy" to kill.

do not agree with japanese.

do not even listening to them.

i mean.

raped women want to think rather they are because of hot. not because of they raped and intimidated.

same thing.

many people have same issue.

obviously japan did intimidate and life threatning.

but rather think you are because same side of cool criminals.

feel like you are powerful and no one can hurt you if you keep stick in japanese satanist demons.

because japan rape children and baby head cut off.

then you think rather doing supporting it and pick a side is better.

but just be honest.

japan did stabbing murder rape children shoted cooked arrested missing kidnapping.

and baby head cut off.

that is fear.

don't need to think diffiuclt.

crime happened.

then should stop it.

speak this.

not a because of you are hot. or belong to powerful facinating criminals.

because baby head cut offed.

that is reason.

why leftist do leftist and pretending and obey to japanese?

otani wins? shogun dominated?

why you think like that?

do you really think like that?

but no.

because baby head cut offed.

then now you think like that way.

omg. seems i confusing myself.

i make myself confusing!! i never know truth!!

im so confusing!!!!

i can't know what is truth. i never know!! i never know!!

please don't kill me with piece by pieces !!!

make it happen~~!! make it happen!!

i said make it happen!! did i said good??

now i don't die???

omg otani wins!! otani wins!!!

make it happen!! make it happen!!!

am i now safe?? am i can not die???

if i acting like this???

make it happen!! make it happen!! i said it!! i said it!!

please don't kill me!!! omg!!!

i said it

make it happen~~ make it happen~~

i did good!! i did good boy~~~!! i did good ~~!!

plse don't kill me!!!

omg dog cop!! dog cop!! pls don't kill me!! im a dog cop!!

but it is hot!! it because it is hot!! not a miserable!!

i don't want think like that!! i don't want die!!!

dog cop!! dog cop!!!


that is fact.

fact is sometimes very tough.

100% honest

100% FACT.

0% lying.

no lie.

there is no lying including in it.


최근 게시물

전체 보기

"context" that how they talk about?

i don't talk with them. nothing to talk. what "shit" we should talk about then? brazilian femboy?? boy is arrested? and boy make ties???...


situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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