so. blacks can say nword. have no problem.
and women can say bitch. have no problem.
it is up to person who talking. and context and situation.
so check about.
"make ties, buckle up, screaming festival, missing, kidnapping."
who say this?
japan tessa violet. in context of "global children sex trafficking purpose".
in nowadays issue.
think about.
what if "joe biden" say this. you not feel any offensive?
think about, zelensky say this, netanyahu say this, epstein say this of coursley, diddy, fauci, bill gates, clinton.
when they say those word. is that just fucking normal sane context???
so check about this.
word = make ties, buckle up, screaming festival, missing, kidnapping.
context = when in emergency situation of there is foreign enemy japan attack sabotage to nation, when there is global children sex trafficking crime is happening,
purpose = for "wild hot sex party" encourage,
consequence = children dies and you get earned money from it.
you say that word with specific purpose by instruction according to JAPAN TESSA VIOLET make you say that word.
means. "global children sex trafficking".
feel like trend. no. should say there is crime domination.
who think fucking it is trend?
new born baby dies, boy stabbing, pregnant teenager dies, missing kidnapping.
is it trend?
or you are criminals?
easy to know. and simple fact. but people ignore because they fear.
feel like you didn't knew it. no.
you knew it well.
otani wins, shogun dominated, get earn money and fame with it.
you knew it well.
so speak up. people. nothing tricky. it was trend.
"global children sex trafficking buisness" by japan tessa violet leads psy op and intimidate people.
trend used as weapons of crime.
"war sabotage attack against to nation."
suddenly someone call you bitch.
that is offensive.
suddenly someone tells you to trying to describe of processing raping children.
wow. that is extreamly offensive. what you talking about?? what the fuck are you??? doin!!!!!!! what you doing?!!!!!!! are you out of your mind???? how you can say that?????
so. they. otani fans. when while in nation is in serious crime situation, they voting to joe biden, and talk about LGBTQ+ and gun control, then let's make it happen, and get earn money, after that,
they talking, about, make ties, buckle up, screaming festival, missing, kidnapping, stabbing, new born baby dies, and boy stabbing, and pregnant teenager dies..
they talk that after that. after they vote to a "joe biden"treason crime and pedophiles they support it . and after that, they telling it to you.
why not offensive then?
it is extreamly offensive.
people can't understand why i get mad seriously.
feel like you never know. because your buisness up to that ugly buisness.
that is all.
there is "compromise". in silent.
people not talk about it. don't want talk.
don't want losing your money and profit.
don't want blame.
and slightly trying to get that money that death of chlidren.
slightly. maybe no one will know. if keep support japanese. then japanese will handle them for intimidate them for shut their mouth.
omg.. otani wins!! otani wins!! (oh.. shit.. pls stabbing more!!! stabbing more make people can't talk about this!!!... oh shit!! )
stabbing!! stabbing happened guys!! stabbing!!! don't dare to trying to accuse that "global children sex trafficking crime"!! you fuckers!! shut your mouth!! obey to japan tessa violet wild hot sex party just don't talk!!! keep remain silent!! oh!!! plane crashed!! oh my god~~~ missing kidnapping~~ you guys know how you should behave correctly??!! right??
those attitude. "political stance" that they have.
100% truth and fact.
that no one tells you.
about "yourself".
ugly dark hidden faking mind that you can't faking.
think about.
yeaah!! joe biden!! let's make it happen~~ joe!!! let's go joe!!! make ties!!! joe!!! buckle up joe!!!
think about.
is that fucking correct behave???
you are fucking criminals and pedophiles . you revealing it.
and that extreamly offensive you officially doing support about global children sex trafficking.
for your ugly daily job for trying to get earn that dirty blood money.
and you desperately doing clown for it.
why not just offensive but also extreamly disgusting is that???
i don't want talk with those people. who doing those ... behave.
really. get the fuck off.
seriously disgusting.
fucking can't believe that shit.
and leftist be like they didn't knew anything??
but those pizza gate or evergreen stuff was nothing new.
how even don't know that information? when right wing people know it.
there is ugly dark side of our world. is exist.
they admit it.
that exist.!! that ugly dark truth is there. so also can talk about it.
but. in especially in between leftist.
they have no such awareness.
feel like they living in beautiful fairytale world?
but it is not.
most of leftist also actually they know.
and it is
what they counting on.
they counting on to that buisness where the money is there with huge money that built on by "global children sex trafficking".
they counting on this.
so leftist itself is very disgusting behave.
about to being leftist is bad thing.
you should't.
don't do that. do not support and encourage that crime.
can you "stop"? "your" crime that "you make it happen".
that is point.
so check about people.
anyone can talk about it.
but some of are can't. becaues they are pedophiles.
they are same illuminati.
who agree with japan tessa violet.
and who disagree with japan tessa violet.
there is only two type of human being in this world.
ugly miserable fucking obeying surrendered clown.
just human being who have common sense.
that is all about this world. there is no politics no issue no trend.
only exist about who agree with japan tessa violet. and who will not agree with them.
that is only issue we should talk about for politics.
there is it keep "happen". and many global events of attack threat us.
while in that situation of nowadays.
who will speak up. and who will faking and cowardly compromise and doing otani fans for clown????
trying to make it happen??? with yourself. and you living in world that murder rape happens and pandemic happens and UFO appears.
i want talk about "cowardness".
when there was vaccine. how was it?
and when there is let's make it happen was trend.
how people acting like?
it was miserable. and.
how leftist is that?
just. pretending. pretending like useless douchebags.
just. oh~~ i agree with you~~ #stand with you~~ oh~~ yeaah~ le'ts make it happen~~~ yeaah~~
and.? about speak up truth?
feel like that is not your concern.
oh... um.. that is not my concern.. i can't ... i don't know... i don't care... um....
you fear it.
you just don't want facing conflict or whatever.
but somehow you are fearless brave fucking gay faggot rights movement and fucking #stand with ukrainee fucking shit.
so. people. nothing tricky. speak up. and talk about those issue.
becuase anyways after all it about actual problem.
that pandemic buget passed and can't know how it's damage and casualties.
and also they keep trying to attempt UFO kind of shit.
that dangerous do not encourage it.
and after all we should stop and prevent those of global events of attack.
it keep happens and intmidate us and threatning us.
it is actual issue. that real problem what we facing with real.
and need to effort for stopping and preventing it.
as much we can with all best you can. just.
whatever. and should do at least of thing you can do.
if you feel you can't do anything about this?
have no confidence.? but it's okay.
just find whatever at least of thing you can do.
just telling and talking those issue.
mrna vaccine is wrong!! omg i don't like it!!
even if do that effort. and warn and inform people.
rather think more easily.
you have family and friend. right?
you want make them just die?
then should tell it.
hey!! there is danger is out there!! you must becareful.
omg vaccine was bio weapons!! oh!! joe biden was treason crime!! pedophiles!!! oh!!!!
you can at least of you can tell that to people around you.
hey i don't want losing you. you shouldn't get vaccinated. that kills you!!!
you must be stop your behave!! don't get vaccinated!! okay?
you can say it naturally to your friend and family. why not?
should warn. about when there is danger.
why not share fatal information about surviving???with them?
how can say that is friend??
you guys have no friend?? or you dont' care they die or not?
do some fucking care. make them stop they trying to get that bio weapons shit. and save them.
naturally act. in common sense.
what is difficult about this?
just naturally care about people around you.
then it is easy.
oh!! you shouldn't get vaccinated!! that kills you!!! you shouldn't!!!
just warn to them. when there is danger.
or #stand with ukraine. oh!! no!! that stealing your tax!!! that is fraud scam!!! you shouldn't!!
let's make it happen?!!! you shouldn't encourage it!! because it keep happens people keep die and children raped!!! you shouldn't do that!!!
just like that.
just tell those shit naturally with people around you.
omg... in nowadays. im worry about.. those "happens". means. "global events of attack" is nowadays issue!! that we should concern about!!! that threat us!! i think that is problem!!!! im worry and anxiety about this!!!
you can say it. to people around you.
with them. together.
so. should speak up.
and if you necessary then arm yourself and using weapons.
the opponent is "global children sex trafficking criminals".
means. very massive scale of criminals. that known as illuminati.
every buisness run by basis on children rape buisness.
those japan tessa violet they rape children and eat baby.
so need to using weapons if you necessary.
and if we can't stop this now.
then it all happens.
the world war 3. nuclear, second pandemic. civil war. UFO. zombies. whatever.
because no one trying to stopping it. but you make it happen.
there is no another opinions. should stop this.
and should speak up. should opposite against to it.
there is no argue. no another opinions about this.
if we can't stop this. then i really have no idea.
just. no worry. no anxiety. no fear.
when you talk about this. because there is nothing. really.
if we can't stop this. then there is nothing.
should stop it.
situation is not good. it ugly.
but let's keep focus on common sense well.
and care about people around you.
keep that well nicely.
and when while you focus on important thing. means your family and friend and people around you. first.
and while in that.
do anything at least of thing you can do.
just whatever is. talk about issue. and blame crime.
and warn about those danger.
mrna vaccine. brain chip implant. joe biden treason. let's make it happen. #stand with ukraine. israel gaza take over.
those issue of crime in nowadays.
you can talk. anyone can talk.
that is at least of thing.
warn about danger.
so people around you trying to get vaccainted.
then how "you" should do? you are nothing? you are... just douchebags who standing like idiot? when they are danger?
that is the point.
say. tell the fucking things to them.
if you matter to them. and if they matter to you.
then you can do "at least of thing you can do".
isn't it?
so. naturally speak up.