"just feel the feelings naturally itself and do not keep it with as worry and anxiety."
that makes thing worse. and lead you into wrong way. and self-destructive.
so should decide it well. when every moment you facing those negativity.
there is really a lot of those moment we facing it everyday in daily life.
not even in politics. just about every our life.
that moment always there.
and can overcome it nicely and well.
omg.. joe biden was treason?.... what should i do?...
omg?!! joe biden was treason?!!!! what should i do?!!!!! wtf!!!!
omg... japanese intimidate me.. what if japanese kill me??... i don't know what to do...
omg?!! japanese intimidate me??!! what if japanese fucking literally kill me?!! i don't know what to do!!!! what the fuck is this ?!!
omg.. celebrities who i was liked was pedophiles.... should i cut off them?
omg!! celebrities who i was liked was pedophiles!!!! i can't believe this shit!!! should i cut off them?? right??
omg... #stand with ukraine.. that was fraud scam and all lying and bullshit... zelensky was criminals....
omg!! #stand with ukraine that was fraud scam and all lying and bullshit!!! zelensky was criminals!!!!! fucker should die!!!
so very different.
exactly same.
but when it with worry and axiety.
and when speak out.