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what satanist exactly doing?

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

"the followers" of satanism.

these people who have no idea even about what they doing. just pointlessly do whatever shit.

so what is "god" means?.

if christian talk about god. then jesus christ and god.

and if muslims talk about god then that is means allah.

so what is god? when if satanist talk about ? is satan.

and what those japanese jewish satanist is doing?

if there is no followers and worshippers??

so satanist make worshipper their own . and at same time want reduce other religioun worshippers.

because japanese target is ulitmately jesus christ and allah.

and jewish YHWH is already failed. YHWH it dead already. dominated.

jewish is dead religion and dead people.

buddhism is basically not about god. different.

so satanist want make one world satanist religion.

so they attacking muslims and christianity. and jewish is who failed already.

in humahity. there is major religion. jewish religion is already dead.

so now satanist want threat all other religion.

and "their god." satanist boss want to collecting worshippers.

which in between type of people who hungry for powers and tyrants and bullies and abusing and cruel and corrupt. but who fear their own vulnerability and seize any chance to feel strong.


it about not just "leftist" or otani wins.

they looking for worshippers for "their god"

not a political stance.

they doing hiring "the followers" "the worshippers" "the believers" for their god.

means theirs god. satanist satan.

so in nowadays is battle about democracy and sprituality.

those are satanist.

so they want religion.

and they want to gathering worshippers.

that is what leftist. and japanese compromised people.

and in humanity history.

jewish was first failed people who already dominated by satan.

and now muslims take threat and christianity is also already too many weakned and failling.

it is also about religious war.

because satanist want built their own religion for one world goverment.

new world order.

and they want their own cult religion instead of all others.

so how satanist attacking other religion?

if there is no worshippers. then truly god is die.

but this also means same to satanist.

when we talk about truth and not agree with japanese.

that is how we can also kill their god.

the satan.

we can kill it.

so should eliminate every japanese until very last of them.

do not agree with japanese. that is not just agree and obey.

it is literally they decide followers and worshippers for satan.

so it is extreamly dangerous.

you not just compromise. it but because you belong to their god.

so never agree to japanese.

satanist not just kill people.

they acutally ultimately target to jesus christ and allah.

and YHWH is already dead.

not they just attacking only people.

they actually doing attacking god.

it is satanist. not just something evil crime or buisness.

it is satanist.

should always remember that.

those people is satanist who have dangerous cult religion.

so they acting very differently. their murder intention is completly different.

not a just crime. but always should aware that opponent is "satanist."

so let's reducing satanist population.

if you want have religion.

then belive jesus or believe allah or do budishm.


but don't do worship satanist. okay?

and of coursely jewish is already they worship satan. it is secured people who already failed.

they want to do. establish new world major religion.

that is what they preparing.

and they gathering worshippers. right?

for their god and for their one world religion.

but they need followers first.

that is otani wins and shogun dominate and ugly hollywood celebrities doing.

and leftist political stance.

and gangsters.

before they establish new world satanist religion.

they preparing and gathering and looking for followers first.

that is what japanese doing thing.

fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog gay boy arrested shoted cooked.

those trend they suggest.

"trend". not a just trend. or not a just crime.

they want establish religion.

and leftist or who agree with otani wins and missing kidnapping.

they are the followers.

that they gathering.

so it start with otani wins. simply.

kamala harris.


joe biden.

and all people ultimately will goes to "satan wins"

that will suddenly appear.

because regardless otani wins or shogun dominate.

in the end. it will turn into satan worship.

so it is pre-alpha version of satanism.

it is looks like simple.

"otani wins".

you worship at something. something to in category of evil and children rape.

then it shape or name is not that important.

bring that function and just suddenly change it to their satanic religion.

then people who exactly did "otani wins" type of people.

they of coursely goes to satanic religion they can accept it very easily.

because they already did tutorial of "otani wins" .

they have expreience about satanism worship.

then even if satanic religion appear officially.

people will accept that and adaptation very smoothly to naturally.

something very familar and already did expreinced and tutorial.

otani wins. yeahh. otani wins. murder rape children more!!!

so it is not just crime or joke or trend.

it is spade work that built fundamental. for establish new religion of satanism that will replace every other religion.

that is what otani wins. means.

not just joke.

but it is religion.

leftist political correctness.

violence worship.

texas pregnant teenager died.

vaccination and #stand with ukraine.

oatni wins shogun dominated.

leftist is already follower of satanism.

their religion is satanism.

that they have.


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"context" that how they talk about?

i don't talk with them. nothing to talk. what "shit" we should talk about then? brazilian femboy?? boy is arrested? and boy make ties???...


situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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