"when there is crime. then pretending follows to it."
explanation about humanity history in nowadays 2025 right now.
the historical definition.
by most correct common sense and objectivity.
crime happened.
criminals did crime.
and. what people actually did.
#stand with ukraine. i agree with you. let's make it happen. go get vaccinate.
it was.
so there is "crime".
and after that, "pretending" follows to it.
hey~ japan did crime!! omg!!
what? you don't know? japan did that or not?
no~~~ oh~~ japan didn't~~~ that is consproucy theory~~~~ i can't believe that~~
why you acting like that?
acting like what?.
that what?
"acting like that"
feel like you never know truth.
why do that?
japan did that crime. what is your problem?
oh~~~~!! but japan said differently~~~~ and many criminals did agree to it~~~ oh~~~ media news didn't said that~~~~~~~ oh~~~~~
so. now you have pick a side? right? to a criminals?? now you have confidence to you can cover up and pass that crime?
is that what you want to counting on?
criminals japanese because japan stabbing murder rape people.
you want to counting on that? right?
trying to get some chance.
seems japan do some stabbing some people and rape some children and now you know some buisenss aren't you?
trying to counting on that.
am i wrong?
simple fact check.
ask this question.
do you think? japan did crime. or they didn't?
A: japan did.
wow!! yes. it serious. let's speak up!!
B : japan didn't.
you fucking shitty scumbags pretending fuck shit gae se ki fuckers fuckign lying fucking faking ugly scumbags shit fucking motherfucker.
should admit that fact and reality japanese war crime. and compromise and involve to children rape killing buisness.
many otani fans want get chance to counting on that children murder rape japaense buisness for money.
but that kills people and kill children more and more.
everyday people die and children rape by japanese because of that.
but pretending is pointless and lying not works.
that is fact and situation.
people went through "difficulties" about how should pretending about their stance.
even there was crime and children murder raped and when while knowing japan is suspect who did that clearly.
but people wanting to cover up that fact silghtly.
that because they want to slightly faking it and want children rape money and rape children with actually.
so they lying. and pretending feel like they confused. and didn't knew that truth. and wanting to every others play along with their pretending for make their pretending more looks like real and not shame.
when actually everyone know japan did that crime. and why people pretending is they have purpose of get some chance to rape children is purpose they have.
so they pretending and obey to japan intentionally.
but people died and children murder rape more and more because of that.
that is why i feel seriously offensive about those pretending.
i don't allow that pretending ugly faking lying killing people and children.
i don't play along with your children killing pretending.
not just pretending. but that is children killing pretending.
that your pretending is not just bad thing. but it killing children.
that your pretending kills children.
when you do that pretending.
i don't play along with your that pretending.
becaues that kill children.
so japan killed those people and rape children for their fun.
should speak up that crime is happening.
everyday people murder by japanese let's make it happen crime and children rape by fun joke wild hot sex.
and many otani fans compromise and supporting and involve to that children murder rape buisenss for their own profit and fame.
so people died because of that.
children cruelly murdered and raped by that fun joke and pretending.
i will never agree to those crime and also pretending about those crime.