who is opponent? actually should fight against ???
it is "world" itself.
they have power.
they have money.
they have weapons.
they have army.
so of coursely people dare to can't even think about it.
and easily losing confidence.
but they kill you. and you should survive from it.
and that opponent is serious power and money.
they intimidate you and reward you.
many people compromise.
but even if that opponent is that big and world itself.
but should facing against to it.
that is how to be political and democracy.
and true courage.
speak up against to those evil.
because either way.
everyone murder by them. after all.

so . you know.
people be like.
omg? who is master that should i serve?!!
omg? is it #stand with ukraine~!? stand with ukraine~~ yeaaah~~
you get incentive and get some money and raise your children with that money.
stand with israel~~~~ yeaaah~~
you get some money and huge successs.
stand with japan~~!! yeaaah!!
you rape some children and murder it with piece by pieces.
it's party time~~!!
game of the year award!!!
so people think they should obey to something always.
who is your master you should serve and obey to?
people actually confusing about this.
if it is not a satanist demons?
then who they should serve?? they confusing about this.
because people think if there is no obey then there is no money to survive and raise their children with that money.
so they too much get used to it.
feel like except that way there is no way of life they can living.
and greedy ugly as like hell.
want to get success and money and fame with massive amount of.
trying to fulfil that all your desire then many of people choose sell their soul to demons.
but situation is like this.
you know. world is collapse down and crumbling.
because people acting like that. and demons just killing slaughter them literally.
how we should survive? from this?
speak truth. now should accept it.
be the master about your own life with yourself.
unfortunately. now we should accept that reality
this world is evil. and it just reducing us.
and that is all.
and what you can do?
so you obey and serve your master demons?
but when that demons just reducing you?
then what you can do??
because that opponent is your master that you serve. you obey to it.
you fucking can't do anything. and you die.
you just obeying and obeying.
and that fucking pointless.
but how to survive??
if they kill you. ?? then you should kill them back.
should speak truth and cut off those ugly tyranny.
do not accept oppression.
fight back and speak truth.
and claim your rights.