so trying to just talk about movie that i watched recently.
it really nice.
story is about "hero" who take false allegation and labeling.
people labeling him with false allegation which is not a true.
so there was very impressive scence about
drink alchol of "we are not friend anymore" drink.
so before they fight and kill each others.
trying to make sure about,
so guys. you guys labeling to me? right?
then drink with me. this "not-a-friend anymore" drink.
so after this. there is no blame or complaining.
let's do this.
anyone who want to kill me?? anyone who want me to die??
labeling bitch step forward first immedietly.
and drink that.
this world talk about you are hero but i don't believe that shit.
you are not my friend anymore.
and smashing that cup on the grounds.
fucking shit.
but mostly. people opinions is about talk about respect about him.
that reveals. he was really lived good relationship with people.
actually. regardless labeling.
so. but even their actual fight scene.
that break glass scene is more hurt.
when once brothers and friends each others.
but when they decide kill each otheres and "not a friend anymore".
that really hurt more than any action sequences.
so that was very impressive.
and just it is fun movie. also villain was impressive acting. and most of casting was very impressive.
so. this world. talk about me is hero. and that is just truth itself.
but labeling. is demonic satanic boy rape buisness and human trafficking and vaccine bio weapons and ukraine money laundry war that your false ugly faith you believe leftist ugly pretending.
that is truth.
so really. you guys really die if you keep that pretending shit.
i warn that seriously.
you know.
how many people and children murderered and raped by japanese and tessa violet labeling?
then should blame that "labeling itself".
so speak up and opposite against to those satanist japan and tessa violet psychopath.
blame it. blame their "labeling itself".
and their crime. too many people died.
too many children was stabbed and missing and kidnapping.
they raped and cruelly murdered when you singing sex tie knot buckles. and screaming festival.
that your crime and your sin. when you agree and accept that crime as yours.
with that ugly #stand with. bullshit.
i have no idea.
really world is dying seriously but still vaccine is officially medicine when while in every second otani fans die with blood clot for their stupditiy.
and otani fans rape boy.
what should we do?
what can we do?
do whatever at least of thing you can with all your best.
even take labeling or risk or disadvantage.
but it worth to fight against to it. even if you losing your life.
that is what hero is.
it worth. guys.
speak up. for dead people and dead children.
that including your own blood clot vaccine damage and let's make it happen murder game that you living in it.
and second pandemic threat. and whatever shit. nuclear. accident. war. conflict. bullshit. chip implant.
how trying to fucking facing those of shit???
can't survive from all of those "global events of attack".
too many and massive.
everytime mandate and forcing and intimidate.
can't do that shit anymore. pretending is useless.
knowing that is bio weapons but should injecting it for yourself?
knowing brain chip implant is dangerous but trying to implant it?
for what?
because that was trend?
or intimidate was there?
talk about that "intimidate" and organized "labeling" from japanese and tessa violet satanist method of attack.
talk about that "let's make it happen" intimidate and labeling crime.
existence. talk about that was "exist" as weaponized trend with purpose of intimidate and disinformation and manipulation and propaganda. as war activities. that crime. need to blame it.